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1. Sven is not the only one with insane reiatsu. Ze'b can mincrease his as well.

2. I can say that me and Sven are matched b/c we don't know each other strengths fully, but I'd say he has more abilitties than Ze'b but physically, I 'd have the advantage.

3. >.> Shadow, I'm asking your opinion, should Ze'b stay hollow mask or take it off and just go straight bankai, though the second might be worse.


....and what's this master plan talk?

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1. Okay cool.

2. Eh. For the sake of Sven being the main bad guy, I'm going to go ahead thinking he still outmatches you.

When I said "master plan" I meant the idea I came up with when we were originally going to cut the battle short because Ninjew went offline for a while. I said Shadow could have set the whole way he traveled with Black Phazon that would detonate somehow (my idea was Ze'b short-circuiting the traps against teleportation) and have all of us escape.

Maybe I should have said "original idea" rather than "master plan" >.>

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Oh....I have a a way of allowing the whole short circuiting the base thing to be done...i'll just need to blow the place up. and you can have some devices take the Dragon Lords to some unknown location and we can nuke the place. I'll just need Shadow to tell me to come back and fry him to bits....and then i'll take care of it from there.


But thats if you want

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You fail to understand the major increase in power my character just attained. His Heart of Flame and His three Lights of Chaos along with the Light of Order unifying and harmonizing their energies to increase their individual powers exponentially and unifying them into one, this is no small thing, and an ability that comes only with a feeling of great loss and anger. Think Gohan SS2 and you'll have some idea as to what it is I am doing.

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You'd be like, well we're gunna have to kill these ttwo now. But fusion, would you like my idea? of ending this fight now?


EDIT: The way I would end it would only require you asking/telling my char to fry im to bits. Its not godmoddy at all, just It'd short cirucit the base and as adefault when the base short circuits a reaction of some sort occurs and begins to destroy the plavce...Then Sven and Kisune could escape there way and we could escape ours...


Tis all...


And what are yu talking about? Ze'bs speed/strength? Please...

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Yea...least we ddin't go full power ss6 and stuff...but he still has a bankai left so im sure he can stand his own....but this'll be a good fight


Yea...least we ddin't go full power ss6 and stuff...but he still has a bankai left so im sure he can stand his own....but this'll be a good fight

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I was wary of that.... the point was to get a hit in...b/c it demonstrates something obvious...also I'm almost positive he will heeal from the wounds seeing as he was in his Segunda already.... and ..........

yeah...and dots that I don't wanna get into...if it truly is a problem, then I'll fix it but I doubt it truly shall be...

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