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Actually now, that I've read up on Phazon., I'm pretty sure that it can stand up to it and in fact it would make him more powerful since the Pirates in Metroid mined Black Phazon Crystals and Blue Phazon was used to corrupt and Create Dark Samus. I don't actually think Mutating a mutant is the way you wanna go here shadow. Just a piece of advice...

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Actually now, that I've read up on Phazon., I'm pretty sure that it can stand up to it and in fact it would make him more powerful since the Pirates in Metroid mined Black Phazon Crystals and Blue Phazon was used to corrupt and Create Dark Samus. I don't actually think Mutating a mutant is the way you wanna go here shadow. Just a piece of advice...

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No its radioactive, which on a techincal level means it changes things into heat & radioactive energy. I'm pretty sure Ze'b could survive that. Like 90%. With no problems...


But even so, it's mainly used for mutations no? That's why I'm saying not to use Phazon. Its badass and all but 1 I'd doubt Ninjew would just die like that. His hieero is no doubt Stronger than Samus' armor by at least 10 fold...


And His body is used to that sort of rapid change...it wouldn't surprise me if he used it to his advantage

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Blame it on Ninjew not being here. I'm ready to get to the point where I just say screw Ninjew and summon a storm of Black Phazon to kill Sven by disintregration just so that we can move on with the story line already.


Well that isn't really fair :/

He wouldn't die from that anyway..

Alright, if Ninjew doesn't log on by the time Mangastream releases their new chapters (tomorrow night) then we'll post saying the Dragon Lords just teleported away for some reason (which he can explain why when he logs back on) and we can say they've disappeared for the moment.

Then maybe pick things up a month later

If he isn't on, then we'll send a PM explaining the situation to him

They can always come out of hiding and we can pick up where we left off

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And maybe he should actually be active like the rest of us, especially now that we're at this point in the rp where his presence is essential for things moving along.


And yes, he would be disintegrated by a storm of Black Phazon. If it can cause Pure Sandurium Ore to disintegrate, then it can work its way through a hierro with ease. And don't try telling me otherwise, I know exactly what I am talking about Fusion, so keep your pointless and false objections to yourself.

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Isn't that kind of...cheap?



Seems that way to me >___>


Ze'b's high speed teleportation and disabling the shocking system that's supposed to activate at teleportation will cause a backlash that runs through the entire base. Then Shadow can be like OH SHIZZ GUYS, MY PHAZON TRAPS THAT I WAS GONNA USE TO DECIMATE THE BASE WILL BE ACTIVATED!

Then Shadow will teleport the Sven group out with chaos control, and since the teleportation traps are disabled, he can pick us up too

Then we escape as the base succumbs to Phazon :D

Yes? No? Maybe?

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