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{:.:.:.Berserker Contest.:.:.:}


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Welcome to my Contest.


[spoiler= Berserker Details]

- Has 0 Defense

- Has a balanced effect

- Has Berserker in it's name

- Is a warrior

- Level 6 or lower




1. All Ycm base rules

2. Entry fee is 10 points

3. No bribes





1. If all the Specifications are met. 5 points

2. OCG 5 points.

3. Yugiohish Picture and Matching the name. 5 points

4. Creativity. 5 points

5. Balanced 10 points.


Total= 30 points



[spoiler=Contest Details]


Contest will end in 2 days. This is a SHORT contest.

Cards are accepted at any time.

Anybody can enter, and no Contestant limit

PM me with questions



[spoiler= Contestants]








[spoiler= The Spoils]


First place= 3 reps

Second place= 2

Third = 1






1. 5/5

2. 4.5/5

3. 3/5

4. 3/5

5. 8/10




Total : 23.5/30



1. 5/5

2. 3/5

3. 4/5

4. 2/5

5. 9/10




1. 5/5

2. 4/5

3. 4/5

4. 2/5

5. 7/10










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Points Recieved, Aight bro Goodluck!


Thank you! *bow*


Here is my entry:


[spoiler=Berserker Horned Hellhound]



This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card battles an Attack Position monster, discard the top card from your Deck to have this card gain 600 ATK. When a "Berserker" monster you control is selected as a target of a Spell or Trap Card effect, negate the effect and increase that monster's ATK by 300 points. During the End Phase, pay 1000 Life Points or destroy that monster. If another "Berserker Horned Hellhound" is Summoned, change this card to Defense Position.






Good luck to everyone who enters! ^_^

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⎣oshed~ will join this contest. I may loose, but it's worth a shot. Points coming and card will be posted soon.


Question: Can we make sychros? It's not included in the rules if we can't.






My card my good man.



[spoiler=My Entry Card]263024.jpg[spoiler=Effect]1 WATER type Tuner monster + 1 non-Tuner monster

If this card is successfully summoned, you can tribute 1 or more WATER or Aqua-Type monster(s) to activate any of the following effects once per turn:

●Special Summon any Level 4 or lower Aqua-Type monster from your Hand or Deck. (Regardless of summoning conditions)

●Increase the ATK of this card by 400.

●Select 1 monster you control and 1 monster your opponent controls. The selected monsters are removed from play for remainder of the duel

●Increase your Life Points by 500 and decrease you opponent's by 200.



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