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Yu-Gi-Oh: The Falsebound Kingdom

Jacob Slottet

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i never knew it existed until i got the game with my gamecube - (random i know) - i hated it when you run into the gemini elf in yugi's story and the lava battleguard in kaiba's story they wouldn't join you, then i realised you had to do joey's story and get the other one of both duos (swamp BG and the other Gemini elf) before you can get the ones you first encountered (i hope i made sense)

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lol i always have 1 Team go out to attack kabia's base while staying out of the fight with the other squads. While all the others stayed at the base until all enemies were defeated.


I believe on the 1st time on joey's last mission i had Dancing Fairy, Dark witch, and W/e That other fairy tea has on yugi's stage kick everyones butt.


the stargety with tea's Team was: Blind, power up, Atk that team was the strongest i had. On the pure offensive side i had Prefectly Ultimate Great Moth squad along with the team of Flameswordman, Red-eyes metal, and i think panther warrior or something esle don't remember.


For Speed Boss kills: DMG. DM, DMoC i loved spaming there special. All DMG did was use red mecidine if i needed it other than that i just had her skip her attack

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