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The Chosen l Accepting l Started l PG16 l Co-Hosted by DarkAngel787 l

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Name: Nina

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Calm and almost silent, saying only the absolute minimum required of her. Her emotions appear to be tightly controlled, as she doesn't show anything in her face or body language either. Her true personality is not clear, due to how deep it is, although from what's been seen she may have a liking for animals.

Appearance: Short, with a slim build, loose black hair, pale skin and amber eyes. She usually wears a t-shirt or similar top, shorts, tall socks, and a leather jacket.

Alignment: Chosen

Power: Fire 'Magic', limited to either a small flame held in her right palm, or a small-medium sized fireball, which can be thrown towards a target.

Bio: Nina has always been a quiet girl, and generally tended to stay out of people's way. She grew up in a rather traditional family, and her parents always insisted that being too emotional was a bad thing, and thus she should be more restrained. It seemed to work too well with her, although it could be that she was naturally withdrawn anyway. Regardless of the reason, Nina remains somewhat distant. When her powers first became manifest, she didn't seem to change much, and it was her parents who tracked down the chosen and sent her to join them, believing her capable of living by herself, although they remain in contact and provide financial and material support when needed.

Other: She'll eat Kumquats, but it doesn't appear to be a favourite.


I've also changed the power on the other app. If you prefer I can make his axe a normal weapon and/or have him carry it.

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Your character has 4 powers and one power is god-moddy at that so I'm gonna take off the impenetratable skin(its impenetrateable, do I need to say this?) and resilient organs and bones (regeneration much?) Now the reflexes power I'll let you keep that, but its not gonna be a power, you know, like how soldiers are trained to have better reflexes than normal humans? like that. Summoning Axes? Just say he carries them with him, it makes more sense, really



Resilient means:

1. springing back; rebounding. (Uhhh, IDK about this one)

2. returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched. (GODMOD)

3. recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant. (GODMOD)

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By resilient I meant 'durable', in that it would take more force to bend or compress them (and he needs at least a degree of this anyway to prevent him damaging himself with his strength), rather than him recovering. I hadn't even considered the effects of illness or depression when combined with the powers.


The skin wasn't meant to protect him from being injured at all, just from being cut. He'd still take damage below the skin, meaning it's only the lightest blows that he'd be immune to. Still, I guess it's over the top, although this was originally supposed to be the main power, with everything else just 'tuned-up' from normal.


He's fine as he is, I just figured I'd explain myself better, since your interpretation of what I put doesn't match my intentions (my fault, I wasn't clear enough; it happens to me a lot)

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Superhuman strength needs at least some durability, if nothing else to prevent the objects lifted with the strength from crushing him. However, if it's one or the other, then I'd have to go with superhuman durability, with above-average but humanly-possible strength (I believe I mentioned the fact that he works out as part of his appearance, so it's fitting for the character). The modified power would be more like this (The reflex part can be taken out if it's too much):


Power: A reinforced body, giving superhuman levels of durability. He also has above average strength and reflexes due to training, and carries an axe with a non-dulling blade.

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Name: Jason

Age: 27

Gender: M

Personality: calm, collected, and stubbourn

Appearance(Pic in Spoiler or Desc.):



Alignment(Titan or Chosen): chosen

Power: control over earth and minerals, limited to matrials around him and limited to nothing bigger than a small boulder

Bio: Jason was a martial arts trainer and speicalist. He had a dojo that was in the middle of a mining town. he taught acient martial arts to those that inlisted in his dojo. one day as he practiced his moves in the small training ground tat he set up in back, as he moved the rocks that were set about for decoration moved slightly with each movemnet he made. He thought to himself "What is going on?" he focused on one of the stones and raised a hand and the rock moved up with his hand, he droped his hand and the rock fell with it. He was stunned then thinking to him self he threw one of his swords he had laying around as it fell blade first right at him he raised his hand and the sword stopped in mid air he set the sword down and went inside he turned the on the small tv he had in the back room were he took breaks between classes. he flipped it to the news were a live report about the opening of pandoras box was being aired, Jason jumped up he knew about pandoras box but he thought it was just a myth made up by the greeks. He knew the opeing of the box would unleash the evils of the worl upon itself he knew that these powers were given to him for a reason. He vowed to protect earth from evil and he would fight until death or victory

Other: He is skilled in most acient martials and has supurb swordmenship. He likes Kumquats

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Name: Kakkon Kedamono

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Not very friendly, often insulting people for no reason and yelling at them, but when he argues he listens to the other person and speaks calmly.



Power:Can turn into any animal at will and, in human form, has incredibly sharp senses.

Bio:The son of a zoologist and Aikidou specialist, he has incredible knowledge about animals and is highly trained in Aikidou. As a child he often went camping with his family and one summer when he was 14 his mother got bit by a snake and was deadly poisoned. Kakkon and his father tried everything they could, but with no result. After that he needed to continue his martial arts training so he joined a dojo which taught a special martial art that was created by a man named Nicolay in 2010, it is called "yajuu seishou" (beast spirit). This martial art was separated into fighting styles of many animals and more styles were still being created. Kakkon had to pass an evaluation exam, the fighting style, that he will train, will be determined by that test. He was assigned to the wolf style. While he was training at the dojo he met two people and became best friends with them.

Other:He trains his reflexes by striking falling kumquats.

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Name:Karolun Mizutsuki



Personality:Calm, smart, collected, quiet and when someone is obviously on lower intellectual level than him he does not like to communicate with the person. He is always nice and friendly.



Power:Control over water and can freeze it, unfreeze it and boil it. When he is in water during a full moon he enters a state that he loses his consciousness and tries to destroy all he considers an enemy. He snaps out when he feels a great pain - physical or emotional or until the moon goes down. When he isn't in water during a new moon he loses his powers completely until dawn break.

Bio:A father scientist and a mother psychiatrist, Karolun is greatly knowledgeable in both areas and has the highest grades in the school. His eyes were getting really damaged by all the reading he was doing and his parents decided to sign him up for a martial arts class. The martial art was called "yajuu seishou" (beast spirit). He was assigned to the otter fighting style. At the dojo he met 2 other people who were named Kakkon and Lucas. The three became best friends and were always together.

Other:His favorite food is Japanese noodles, his least favorite are kumquats.

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