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SEA SERPANTS/ FISH/ AQUA type pics REQUEST - i will pay 1rep for evry 5pics.

Lucas Maximus

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Well' date=' i made 2 custom ones that you won't find anywhere:




Yeah he will. I saw both of those on DA, you just resized and cropped.

i resized and cropped the first one. i gave the 2nd one a new background and other stuff


So you obviously didnt make them yourself, lol, anyway they are not what im looking for, im looking for things with more animation in them!

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i have three on me. could i have a rep?


Yeh well them arnt really the types of pics im looking for' date=' the first one is a pokemon called 'Kyorge' if im correct? and they arnt so much 'animated.' and also you dont ask for a 'rep' if you do it again i will give you one though, yes a 'neg rep.'



yes that is an edited kyogre. and you don't need to be so rude about me asking for a rep. i'm SORRY, okay.

out of curiousity, what were you looking for anyway?

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