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Pokemon Black and White

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i can see Ash beating Iris tbh, Krokorok has Stone Edge so Dragonite is at an equal disadvantage, in fact i can see Krokorok overcome Dragonite's moves and come from behind for the win, and then evolve in the midst of the fight against Trip's Serperior. Also i really don't see Iris winning the tourney and facing Alder. Ash i could possibly understand, but ultimately i can see Trip battling Alder tbh

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Guess what!!! The BW2 animated trailer got dubbed!

i recognise Cheren's voice: Jason Griffith
...and Bianca's and Elesa's voices are different
...i think Mei (the girl battling Cheren) was voiced by Lisa Ortiz, because she sounded a bit like Amy from the sonic games (such knowledge also allowed me to guess Cheren's VA)

EDIT: new episode title:
Episode 754:[b] The Junior Cup, Site of Partings and Encounters! [/b]- airs September 6th

the winner of the Junior Cup will face Alder's Bouffalant in battle

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*annoyed face*Thanks alot Newtype Magzine, now we know who'll win the World Tournament Junior Cup 4 weeks prior to the episode airing
[spoiler=...and the winner is]
[b]Trip[/b], it'll be his Serperior VS Alder's Bouffalant
[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1344285226' post='5999016']
His dream might be a reality, if Alder took it seriously.
thanks to Newtype magazine...it is
"ultimately i can see Trip battling Alder tbh" - i guess my hunch was correct then

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[s]We might not get those details for another couple of weeks imo, but we won't know until such info comes.[/s]
Also Twist Mountain, part 1 is tomorrow for you Americans.

EDIT: [url="http://www.filb.de/forum/showthread.php?p=469449#post469449"]http://www.filb.de/f...9449#post469449[/url]
Summarizing the preview:[list]
[*]The Team Rocket trio goes after Meloetta.
[*]The [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Kami_trio"]Kami trio[/url], in their [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Form_differences"]Therian forme[/url], attacks the gang's Pokémon.
[*]A showdown between Ash and the gang against the Team Rocket trio erupts.
[*][url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Giovanni_%28anime%29"]Giovanni[/url] makes a comeback after a long hiatus.
[*]The trio jumps towards Giovanni in an attempt to save him.
[*]Meloetta's eyes glows red.
Yeah it is assumed that Dawn leaves the group after the World Tournament...but at least Cynthia gets more screentime

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[quote name='darkforcezak' timestamp='1345247813' post='6009593']
I seriously hope that Dawn leaves.
...Let me guess, because you hated her returning?

[quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1345248655' post='6009601']
I want Iris to at least meet Misty and May.
i really doubt that tbh, seeing as it'd be pointless for them to go to Unova for like no reason

EDIT: today's episodes are...
US: [b]A Restoration Confrontation (Part 1)[/b]
UK:[b] Cilan Takes Flight[/b]

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