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Mist Valleys need love


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Mist Valley Rover




ATK/1000 DEF/1000


During the End Phase this card was returned to your hand, look at 1 card in your opponent's hand and discard it.


Mist Valley Garunda




ATK/1800 DEF/900


You can return 1 "Mist Valley" monster on the field to your hand to Special Summon this card. If this card was Special Summoned this way, it is returned to your hand at the End Phase.


Mist Valley Chick




ATK/100 DEF/100


If this card is returned from the field to your hand, you can Special Summon 1 Winged-Beast-Type "Mist Valley" monster from your hand other than "Mist Valley Chick".


Mist Valley Spell Destroyer




ATK/800 DEF/1200


Once per turn, you can return 1 "Mist Valley" monster you control to your hand to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls.


Mist Valley Haze Bender




ATK/2000 DEF/2000


This card cannot be destroyed through battle. Once per turn, you can return 1 "Mist Valley" monster you control to your hand to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls.


Mist Valley Lightning Blader




ATK/1500 DEF/600


When a "Mist Valley" monster you control is returned from the field to your hand, you can Special Summon 1 "Mist Valley" monster from your hand.


Mist Valley Giant Roc




ATK/2400 DEF/1600


1 Winged-Beast-Type Tuner + 1 or more WIND non-Tuner monsters. When this card is Synchro Summoned, return all cards on the field but this card to the owners' hands. You cannot declare an attack on the turn this effect was activated. Once per turn, you can return 1 card on your side of the field to the owner's hand to Special Summon 1 "Mist Valley" Tuner monster from your Graveyard.


Mist Valley Haze Commander




ATK/2800 DEF/2400


1 "Mist Valley" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, you can return 1 "Mist Valley" monster you control to the owner's hand to negate this card's destruction. Once per turn, you can return up to 3 "Mist Valley" monsters in your Graveyard to your Deck. Destroy cards on the field equal to the number of cards returned to the Deck this way.





Raging Mist

Continuous Spell Card


When a "Mist Valley" monster is returned to your hand, Draw 1 card.


Mist Valley

Field Spell Card


All "Mist Valley" monsters gain 400 ATK. During each Standby Phase, each player must return 1 card on the field to the owner's hand.




More to come. You can post your card ideas here as well.

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Thanks for feedback. I guess for Raging Mist I can put "During the End Phase that a "Mist Valley" monster was returned to your hand, draw 1 card". I also changed Spell Destroyer's cost to "Mist Valley" monsters instead. Haze Commander also only returns up to 3 cards.

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