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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rise of the Xaos Lord [Started/Accepting Via OOC/PG-13]


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Takes place in Lotus City, Australia.

Lotus City was peaceful as it is. People there lived normal lives, except for two people. One of them was a graduate from the old Duel Academy before it was remodeled, called 'Jaden/Judai Yuki'. And the other was a mysterious man called 'Discordia', also known as the Xaos Lord. Discordia had surrounded the city with an invisible electrical force-field, so everyone in the city was trapped. But Discordia didn't have them locked up for nothing. He's planning something, something that involves sacrificing every living being in the city to summon the Ancient Titans Cronus, Iapetus, and Hyperion, and, unbeknown to those Titans, control them. The mysterious graduate himself wasn't able to fight his way out, so he needed to do something.

He called on the help of the duelists and formed their own faction, trying to fight their way out.

Discordia, seeing this unexpected and somehow strong revolt, recruited duelists of his own from both inside and outside.

Will the residents defeat Discordia and free Lotus City, or will Discordia succeed in sacrificing all those thousands of people and succeed in controlling three powerful God Cards?


The Xaos Lord watched from the Xaos Tower, the tallest building in the city redesigned. He needed everything he needed. There was little time left, but someone in this city had been gathering duelists, planning to break out. But it was futile, he had employed powerful duelists from all over the world to subdue them, or at least delay them until the summoning was complete, and the Titans Cronus, Iapetus, and Hyperion were under his power. They themselves don't even expect it, the Gods that they are. He smiled, but no one could see it anyway, because he was completely clad in armor, and his body was numb. He couldn't feel or taste. He watched from the top of the clock tower. Soon the world would be in his grasp, and with that world in his grasp, he will go to the other world, and that world would too be in his grasp.

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Finish him off Horus Horus defeated the duelist. Travis picked up the duelist and took his deck and duel disk. You won't be dueling anymore He threw him to the ground and walked away. Another one down, hard to believe all these people hate discordia that much. He just defeated his 7th duelist of the night. no one was currently able to defeat him. Guess I should report to Discordia He went on towards Xaos tower with the items he collected from the duelists. He got into the elevator and pushed the button to go to the top floor. Well this will take a while, better than taking the stairs though. He had to wait 50 floors until he got to the top and decided to start filling out his report while he was waiting.

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It was a beautiful day in Lotus City. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and everything seemed so serene at the corner of Juliet and 7th Streets.

Until a pair of women smashed through a 16th-story window in the LotusBank building and smashed down into the street, leaving an impact crater. One woman looked like what would happen of Yusei and Akiza Fudo fused together, with a black Seto Kaiba trenchcoat added for good measure. The other was younger, with a black and pink futuristic outfit, glasses, and the same hair color, though her eyes were completely golden as opposed to the former woman's gold and blue eyes.

"He likes me better!" The first woman cried out as she picked up the second and punched her across the intersection into a brick wall.

"No, he likes ME better!" The second replied as she charged at the first and did a flying roundhouse kick to the side of her head, knocking the first into a bus and toppling the bus over.

"He created me first!" The first pulled herself from the bus and jumped into the air, put her hands together, did several flips, then came crashing down back to earth, smashing into the asphalt with her attack and leaving another crater, which the second barely managed to avoid.

"But I was designed using superior technology!" The second retorted as she low kicked the first over. "He couldn't even..." She began, grabbing the first by her feet and spinning her around. "...draw you right!!!" She threw the first into another building.

The nearby police had cordoned off the fight scene, and were working on evacuating the area, but the women kept moving across the city, leaving a trail of destruction in their path.

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Judai was at the ridiculously weird, strange, out of place, and just What-The-Heck scene. And he had to stop them, otherwise A: They'll destroy the entire city or B: They'll destroy themselves. He began running, keeping up with them, took a shortcut, and then went into their path of destruction. He drew a card from his deck, which was Elemental Hero Neos, and summoned it.

"Neos, help me!" He called. Neos appeared and then attacked the two women, trying to subdue them and stop their path of destruction, and get their attention.

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Two two women looked at each other, looked at Judai and Neos, looked at each other, looked at Judai and Neos again, then malevolently grinned. They charged at the duo, simultaneously uppercutting Neos, then they kicked Judai in the chest on the way down. They giggled at the same time and shook hands.

"Wow! I can't believe that actually worked!"

"I can't believe they tried to interfere with our fight! They shook hands for a few more seconds, until the first woman sucker-punched the second into a rotating door.

"That's for saying he couldn't draw me, you b***h!"

The second walked out of the shattered glass, plucking the shards from her body, which healed themselves as she did so.

"Sure, I don't remember that much, but I wouldn't want to remember the things you did!"

This insult struck a nerve with the first, and as she stood there in silence, tears started to roll down her face. She clenched her fists, and screamed "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!!!" As she did so, something purple, glowing and rectangular flew from the bulge on her side into the air, where a dark portal had formed, and entered the swirling vortex. A few seconds later, a black and white armored Blue-Eyes White Dragon flew out, wrapped its tail and body defensively around the first woman, and roared at the second. This dragon was familiar to Judai, because he had fought it before alongside two other duelists: Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

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Judai was somewhat surprised but then went back to his feet. When he did, he saw a monster familiar. It was a Blue-Eyes Eyes Dragon, everyone knew them, and he had even faced them in his duel with Kaibaman. But it had different features. It was one of those monsters that one person summoned back in Venice years ago. But these people may as well be out of his reach. So there was only one logical thing to do.


"STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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((It's Venice.))

((Judai was in Venice when Stardust Dragon attacked.))


Malefic Blue-Eyes was charging up an attack, while the second girl had summoned some sort of angel and was preparing a counter, when Judai called out. They dismissed their monsters, and looked at Judai. "What is wrong with you?!?" The first protested. "Yeah! Can't you see we're fighting here?!?"" The second added.

"The nerve of some people!"

"You should really just mind your own business!"

"What are they teaching kids these days?!?"

"I can't believe how immature he was!"

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((Yugioh Wikia lied to me then....or was it changed to Venice by 4Kids?))


"I can't believe how immature you two are!" Judai replied.

"You two go on blindly with your fight, not even bothering to even notice to care about your surroundings!"

"If I weren't even here, you two would probably still be fighting all about the city, destroying not only it, but lives too, whether innocent or not. I don't know why you two are fighting, but just stop it!"

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Within the Xaos Tower, Yashiro layed in darkness of the 233th of the 234 floors which from he channeled his power's from. Sitting down, crossed legged on the floor, the seal surrounding him glowed with Runic symbols and Sinister signs. Surrounding that seal layed Many random duel monster cards, there images fading into the shadows of the room. Soon he glowed a eary Aqua colour, peeking his Phychic abilitys. A incompehemsable Voice filled his head, The voices of the Ancient Titans ordering there Commandments to Xaos Right hand man, Along with questions to there Progress which Yashiro responded;


"No, They are been delt with."

"We are working as hard as we can."

"Again, we are working as hard as we can, But theres Been some compercations."

"Jaden Yuki"

"Some foolish duelist from Domino city, Along with some Amatures from Around the world"

"Yes, they are the Delay"

"With respect, there just some schoolchildren with cards. Soon they will be delt with"

"Of course, my lords"


Yashiro returned to the real world and the room setteled. He had to report to Xaos inmeadly and swiftly waked to the Rusting Staircase to the roof.

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They finally realized what they had done, and all of the devastation they had caused, and decided to make things right.

"Alright. Las Vegas, 1964?"

"You get the cash, I'll make the deposit."

They disappeared in two twin flashes of light, then reappeared a few seconds later.

"Alright. We just gave the city $8 Billion for the repairs and more."

"Which we earned using a combination of card-counting, cheating at gambling, and interest!"

"We also went ahead and went to court, and paid our debt to society."

"Isn't time travel fun?"

The first woman came up and shook Judai's hand. "It's nice to meet you again, Judai. I'm Itsu Solace."

The second woman also shook Judai's hand. "Hello, Judai-kun! I'm Itsu Solace!"

Itsu 1 scowled at Itsu 2. "No, I'm Itsu!"

The second Itsu also glared at her counterpart. "No, I'm Itsu!"

They then resumed their fighting, though this one was a bit more restrained.

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The Xaos Lord Discordia had sensed two people coming up using two different ways. He wondered which one would reach the top first. One of them he interpreted as Yashiro, and another was probably more or less one of those less significant people. He looked at the city below. Soon it would be a barren wasteland. The city was surrounded by an invisible barrier that stretched really long. Airplanes and cars had probably noticed the barrier, but they had been dealt with, to prevent every single tiny living thing in the city squirm for freedom. There had been someone who was gathering duelists for freedom, but it was all futile. Meanwhile, he had heard that in one of the far corners, there is some kind of 'supernatural argument fight', as his spies as reported. He then turned, and began awaiting the first one of the two to get to the top.


Judai then just stood there, puzzled. "I don't think I've met you before....." He said to Itsu 1.

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The Itsus stopped when they heard Judai say this. The elder Itsu had the younger one in a headlock, while the second was biting the first's arm.

"I once dueled alongside and against another version of you in a horrible, horrible war across the multiverse." Itsu 1 told Judai solemnly. But she then became a bit more serious. "Alright! I know how we're going to settle this once and for all!"

Itsu 1 reached into the air, and another swirling vortex appeared around her arm.


OOC: Come on...come on..NO!!! Joe!!! Dammit! I love Streemerz, but it's just so damn hard!

(Itsu 1's arm reaches out of the laptop and grabs TheFinalFan's shirt collar.)

What the? Itsu? No! Not again!


Itsu pulled a young man with dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes, a T-Shirt, and jean shorts out of the portal, who promptly landed on the asphalt. He got up, rubbed his rear, and faced Itsu 1.

"Ow! Seriously, Itsu, was that necessary?"

"It was totally necessary Final-chan!"

The man turned to see Itsu 2 looking upset.

"Wait...I must've accidentally put down the applications for both Itsus! Great! Now you're both existing in the same roleplay!"

Both Itsus glared angrily at the 18-year-old.

"So which one of us is real?!?" They asked simultaneously.

"Actually, you're both real." The young man replied.

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Yashiro made it first to the roof of the Xaos Tower, the Winds generated by the engery barrior around the city causing him to Grab his Cloak from blowing off of his person. Suddenly, his cloak blew off even with a firm grip apon it into the distance. This revealed his Clothing which was simlar to what Xaos was Wearing, a Plated, navy blue chainbody with Golden runic symbols eched apon its surface, Platelegs which, like the chainbody was, plated with navy blue metel and Eched with Golden runic symbols. Apon his right rish layed his duel disk; a Slighty damaged duel acdemeny disc with a Purple trim and Golden runich symbols eched onto it, though it looked like it was not originaly put there and was later added.


"The Titans are getting restless down in there Realm Discordia. I have to say that this "Jaden" Character could be a threat to our plans if they continue there Sabotage apon our Attempts to summon them."


Yashiro was approched by one of Xaos spies and was informed of a Disturbance near the edge of the City, with several Buildings damaged by "Twins" as he Described.


"And whats this about a Attack near the border? Another attempt of people trying to Flee our Grasp?"

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Travis reached the floor where Discordia was. The winds where mighty, but Travis didn't mind. Discordia was silent and appeared calm. Yashiro was there with him. Sorry for being a little late getting up here. Travis was unlike the rest of the minions. He treated the Xaos lord like an equal and not his boss. Some people still wonder why he puts up with him. Well anyway I took out 7 more resistentce members. Here. He tossed the duel disks with the decks in them. Use them for whatever you need them for Travis couldn't care less for what Discordia was planning. So I heard there was a recent attack at the border, What do you do about it Travis asked, but he already knew what the answer was going to be.

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Judai was confused. "War? Multiverse? What are you talking about?" He asked. This was very strange.


"This so-called 'attack near the border', no matter what the purpose is, is of no importance. Nobody is capable of leaving the city except with my power, and by that power I bring in duelists to stop this 'Judai' who has been gathering the residents, planning to stop me. Although if we leave things be, things could be troublesome. But perhaps I should send you," He pointed at Travis, "To investigate this so-called 'attack near the border'."

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Itsu 1 facepalmed herself. "I am so sorry! I mistook you for another version of you! You see, there are other universes out there, and there are other versions of you. One of my friends was a female princess version, and another is your granddaughter who is also related to Johan Andersen."

"You're so lucky! I don't remember that much..."

"Well, when you've traveled as much as I have, you learn a lot."

"Well, it's good that you two are all nice and happy!"

"I'm still confused as to how both of us can be real."

"Trust me. I'll explain later."

The young man extended his hand to Judai. "Hi! I'm Daniel a.k.a. YRPOtaku169 a.k.a. TheFinalFan!"

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OOC: 4th wall is broken! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!


IC: Yami was running down a hill as his twin brother chased him "(Gotta get away from him!)" he thought as he ran into Jaden "Ow." he stated on the ground. He looked behind him..... his brother was gone "*Heavy breathing, heavy breathing, heavy breathing* Ugh." Yami stated as he passed out.


-Yami's Dream-


Yami was floating in the sky as he watched two warriors in a battle. One which resembled his Ace Card. Another which resembled his brothers. But it wasn't in a duel. It looked like a war zone. Thousands of warriors were laying on the ground .... dead. All that was left was the night-time sky and the two warriors. Their swords clashed as they fought. Causing sparks to fly as their swords clashed each time. After what seemed hours. Yami looked down at all the warriors. They seemed like Duel Monster warriors. After a little while longer. The two warriors prepared for their final blow as they charged at each other. They swung their swords. Yami closed his eyes. After he opened them. He saw the two warriors on the ground. After a few minutes. Every warrior on the battle field started to glow. And they turned into their respectful cards....

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"Well, YRPOtaku169 and TheFinalFan are my usernames." Daniel explained. "You see, in another dimension, I am an average guy who plays roleplaying games with Itsu as one of my usual characters. But, each roleplaying game is a separate timeline here. We are currently in a timeline that is the equivalent of a roleplaying game that had recently started called 'Rise of the Xaos Lord'. The decisions of the roleplayers affect the way the timeline plays out, or the way the timeline plays out corresponds to what we write in my world. Anyways, somehow, both versions of Itsu, the older one that I've used for a year and a newer, younger model that I'm slowly introducing, have appeared in this dimension, and they wreaked havoc on the city. Now, I'm here, and I have no idea why the Itsu's can't take me back!"

"Because we're mad at you!" They replied at the same time.

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Judai just hung his hand. "What?" was all he could say. "Well....anyway, I'd best be going back. But anyway, I think I might need your help....."

He then began explaining about the appearance of the Xaos Lord, the barrier, the people the Xaos Lord hired to subdue them, and his search for help to help defeat the Xaos Lord and bring freedom again.

"....and that's about it. And I think I'm going to need your help."

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Judai thought for a while, but in the end, he couldn't figure it out.

".....No, not really. I can't." Judai admitted.

He couldn't figure out a reason why Daniel couldn't help.

"It's OK if you don't have any powers, many duelists on my side don't have any."

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Daniel angrily held out his bare left arm. "I don't have a f**king Duel Disk, you nimrods! Honestly, you didn't think of that? I'm standing right her, Duel Diskless, and you just ignore that? Don't you think it's a bit weird that a guy doesn't have on in this day and age?"


"I mean, isn't this world supposed to revolve around this one particular card game? Wouldn't someone who doesn't use these cards be out of place?"


"And another thing-"



Both Itsus pointed at Daniel's left arm, which now had a Duel Disk that looked similar to Yusei's, but with Battle City colors instead of the orange he added on, and a full Deck inside. "Oh. Wow." Daniel searched through the deck, and grinned. "Say, Judai, Itsus, want to have a Battle Royale, here and now?"

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"You didn't even notice your own Duel Disk....." Judai muttered.

But anyway, a duel was one thing Judai couldn't refuse, no matter the situation.

"Sure!" He said. He took his deck and put it into his Duel Disk, before activating it.

"A Duel's one thing I can't refuse!"

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Daniel activated his Duel Disk, but the Itsus had a different method. The first Itsu simply smiled and went into a dueling stance as the bulge on her left arm lit up. "I don't need a Duel Disk with my advanced Duel Projector!" The second Itsu grew a Duel Disk from her arm, and loaded her Deck for a side pocket. "Aww! No fair! I actually have to use a Duel Disk!"

Now that everyone was ready, Daniel wondered "How do we decide the turn order?"

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