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Sorcerer of the Angels

Nice-ish Fairy Support xD Summoned needs to be capitalized. Can give you up to a sweet 1200 LP boost. Battle Damage should be capitalized. The wording sounds odd for that effect. How about "Every time you take Battle Damage, reduce the damage taken by 500." or something along those lines. That last effect can be great in lots of decks, probably side-decked at most, mainly because 500 damage makes a difference when it comes to OTK's and such. Stats are also okay-ish. Overall, 9.6/10


Grounded Electrode

Lol pokemon name xD To start off, Level 8 makes it a target for Trade-In. That effect to give it counters makes it a great side-deck or possibly main-deck against or with Blackwings. Probably against Blackwings with the next effect decreasing the stats by a whopping 700 and that monster get destroyed as soon as your opponent activates a spell. It pretty much limits your opponent if they would want to take the risk of losing any winged-beast with any Lightning Counters on them. Great side-deck against Blackwings overall. Kinda sucks it targets something specific. 9.8/10


My Fiend-Type Suggestion

One more, thing, DARK Attribute :)

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Just saw it, I saw 1 Job being "Card of the Week" and said "Oh gawd yes" and notice it was taken D: Only jobs left are Music Page, GFX Page (Don't know what that is) and Comic Page. I'm not rather found of any of the available jobs left except supplying comics, but I probably won't apply for the YCM Newspaper.

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Gravity, the Unknown Law

Those summoning requirements can be quite the hassle to pull off. First effect protects your machines quite well, but IMO, the real thread in YGO from choosing from Spells and Traps are mainly Traps. That last effect is all chance. But their is a good chance you'll pull it off, mainly because you get 3 coin tosses just to get 1 head. With a whopping 4000 ATK, it's most likely going to run over the monster that tried to run over something else. Has a great way to control your opponents monsters in battle and protect your monsters while it's at it. Overall, 9.7/10

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