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Guest Striker

There are two conditions for this round. Make a written card. The card must me a Spell Card that supportes Fairy-Type monsters. First to 5 votes is the winner. Also, the winner receives 2 Reps from the Loser.


Dranzer's Card

Mirror Destiny

Spell Card

Continuous Spell

When this card is activated flip a coin:

● Each time your Opponent Special Summons a monster,you can Special Summon 1 Arcana Force Monster from your hand,exept "Arcana Force EX".

● Each time your Opponent Special Summona a monster,you must discard 1 Arcana Force Monster from your hand.If you do not have an Arcana Force Monster in your hand,you loose 500 Life Points.


Sidepipe's Card

Energy Reserve Sphere

Continuous Spell Card


Activate only by paying 500 Life Points if you control a Fairy-type monster. Place 4 counters on this card. If there are no counters on this card, destroy it. Up to twice per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can remove 1 counter to activate 1 of these effects:

-During battle between the target Fairy-type monster and a monster whose DEF is lower than the target monster's ATK, inflict half the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.

-Target face-up Fairy-type monster gains 500 ATK until the End Phase..

-Pay 500 Life Points. Special Summon 1 "Lightwave Token" (LIGHT/Fairy-type/Level 1/ATK: 100/DEF: 100) in Attack Position. The "Lightwave Token" can only be used for the Tribute Summon of Synchro Summon of a Fairy-type monster.

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