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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Nah, it just means taht I don't like it like other people do. It does not make me right or wrong, since either way you look at it it depends on peoples tastes and opinions. My opinion just happens to be different from the majority. Does that make me wrnog? No. It just means that I have a different view of the video.

And no, I will not stop. It is who I am, and if you are going to continue speaking with me, it is something that you will have to deal with from time to time. Not trying to be mean or anything, just saying that that's how it is.
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I should just deal with a pompous ass who insults someone? Please, more and more you just infuriate me. There's a difference between not caring what others think, and not giving a damn what others think. The former means you are proud of who you are and what you beleive. The latter means you do and say as you wish, regardless. You are the latter. Seriously, you need to learn to keep your trap shut. You rub people's noses in their failures, or failures as you perceive them, then you fail just as much. You're as human as anyone else, so learn your damn place. You're not higher than anyone else. You have no righht to go "HAHA, YOU SUX". You are jsut one measley man on the face of this planet which is smaller than a grain of sand on the beach, in the grand scheme.
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