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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1298869001' post='5040473']
Awesomeness abound.
A glorious masterpiece.
[s]I love you.[/s]
You should find someone to color that, it'd look even more amazing, if that's even possible.
I'm laying it on thick, but it's called for.

[center][color="#FF0000"]Thanks Fusion, glad you liked it.[/color][/center]

[quote name='Donovyn Mikara Gerra' timestamp='1298869058' post='5040474']
I can sing somewhat half-way decent, and play the Saxophone pretty well... fugging b*tches and your being talented...<.<

[center][color="#FF0000"]Thanks DMG...if that was directed towards me.[/color][/center]

[quote name='BlackSkullCortez' timestamp='1298874411' post='5040672']
@ HitoOMFGthatisreallyf***ingepic.Except I'm wondering what's with the back of Fusion's hammer.

[center][color="#FF0000"]Going to edit the keyblade and thanks.[/color][/center]

[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298928922' post='5041732']
+ rep for Hito.That is win.Roxas looks so cuuuute.Some things are slightly off, like Luigi's center of balance, but it's forgivable because it's EPIC WIN >:UUI shall draw Fusion vs. DL.The battle shall be....interesting:33333333333333333333333333333333


I know, they were originally two images which I put together.

Maybe. Was thinking [acronym='Hito']Charmander[/acronym] vs [acronym='Ben']Squirtle[/acronym] next though.[/color][/center]
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[quote name='HitoKage' timestamp='1298940747' post='5042463']
Maybe. Was thinking [acronym='Hito']Charmander[/acronym] vs [acronym='Ben']Squirtle[/acronym] next though.[/color][/center]

SWEET! I AGREE! I do bubble and you do Flamethrower and it is equal (lol bubbles beat flames!)

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1298940872' post='5042474']
If so, then Charmander should wear an Organization cloak and BT should wear a Leaf headband and orange jumpsuit.
Just my opinion~
EDIT: That's hot.

Yeah, I agree!

BTW thnx

Fixed shadowing:
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...Eh, the other seemed better.

Tho it's still pimpin >:T

And Fusion, do you not remember the arc that Kaya thought Takagi and Aoi were seeing each other when they were actually just getting advice from each other? That was one of my favorite arcs.

But now I ship HiramaruxAoi.
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[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298941968' post='5042535']
...Eh, the other seemed better.

too bad...


Here it is before I remove lines

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Edited and added shadow:

[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298942705' post='5042584']
What do you think, Fusion?

I personally like it a lot, with or without the lines XD

But I'd go without, since you only need lines if it's black and white.

Fuse likes it... he told me on DA
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Shoes added and pants color fixed:

[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298942996' post='5042595']
I said I liked it too.

But this version is sooo much better <333

I know you like it... I'm linearting and coloring:
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lol fuse said same thing... I JUST NEED THE KEYBLADE FIXED!

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1298943529' post='5042621']
Man, this collaborative effort will be one of the best achievements Akatsuki has pulled.
Good work you two, seriously.

lol... you know I did this before right... but in a drawin' club...

thnx... but Hito did most work
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added ground and shadow

[quote name='Hayate Ayasaki' timestamp='1298943876' post='5042637']
I want to make Fuse vs. DL the most epic thing now so BT will uber color it.

*as a stupid jock chanting* Ya-YEAH!
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Shadow added on Roxas's face:
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