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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Anyway, I need to go soon and do my homework, but really hoping I have no school tomorrow.
Cortez, if I get a snow day, I'll try to hit you up.
[spoiler=And guys, how epic would these 2 fights be?]
[img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/060/d/a/BS_vs_GK_colors_by_danimation2001.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
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Makeup of my head (I have a very... THIN line between fiction and reality, at times. So, characters easily become faces on facets of my heart/mind)

Kefka: PARTY!!!!
Ulquiorra and Gaara: Me, really. They make up who I am, ironically.
Hichigo, Black, and Billy: .... SIN AND TEMPTATION. I HATE THEM.
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... I have a thick wall between reality and fiction.
Kinda. I only imagine myself doing what I can never do at all.
That's why the perfect scenes I picture in my head never happen. >.>
Which makes me believe that nothing in my life can really go the true way I want it to. There are occasions when I do, but what I want most never comes.
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IT's not really a personality, though...

It's just faces on parts of my heart. Like Kakuzu's body.

I see Black and Hichigo whenever I do something I should not, smiling at me in that sickening way.
Billy when I give in to temptation, as what I could be.

Ulqui and gaara are more... IDK, what I feel like.

Kefka is for lulz xD
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