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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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No worries, I will.

[spoiler=1 more thing, though]

Did you ever notice how the phrase "Age before Beauty" means that both exist, but one is more important than the other? And one of the commandments is "There shall be no gods before me" rather than "There shall be no gods other than me"? It's not that much longer, and it's much more clear-cut. I'm thinking that's an admission that there are gods other than Jehovah God.


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Actually commandment 2:



"You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I The Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

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Interesting...a religious discussion without any arguing.

Guess it's okay to do as long as El's offline >.>

I'm Catholic since I received my 1st Communion, but I only really go to church for Christmas Eve e.e


lol yeah


In my religion... you get Baptism and confirmation at the smae time... and communion... you can get reconciliation whenever you want



O.o Okay...I don't recall all ten of them...but I can't recall any of them being that long...


Its not even your religion so i guess its ok


hey guys... have this gun plz:


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BT: I told you I was raised Christian...I attended, and lived next door to, the First Methodist Church...for years. Sooo...I think the second one was something like "Honor thy Mother and Father" or something like that....


Catholic: Just thought to ask you something. Why is my FF not in the "Members Fan Fiction" spoiler?

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...Uhhh...yeah, BT, me. I'm not even joking. I could explain it now, if I hadn't done that forever ago. I thin I tried to make Nevex understand, but...you know him. One of those things that contradicted what he thought he understood.

How can you accepted multiple gods when the bible says there is only one and still accept the bible?


That's like saying that since since Red is Red and Blue is Blue then Blue must also be Red.


Ugh *facepalm*






Basically, I was raised Christian. However, in my Sixth Grade year, I started looking up facts about Paganism. During this time I began performing magic. However, in my Senior Year, I began dating a Pagan Girl, and learning much more about it. After a couple months of dating, I began to notice several parallels between the two religions, and thus began weaving in several elements of Paganism, including belief in Hecate, Diana, Freya, Nyx, Night World, blahtidy blah blah, into my beliefs. However, due to the fact that the majority of my beliefs remain Christian, such as belief in God, Christ as his son and messiah, Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, blahtidy blah blah, I consider myself to be Christian. However, this does not negate the fact that I am still Polytheistic. Thus making me probably the only Polytheistic Christian on the planet.




I'm surprised that if the gods existed that they cottoned to you worshiping different pantheons.


It seems rather like spitting in your face.

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Chaos, if you're that inclined, you should know that


1. I don't care


2. My fellow leaders are offline


So, I can ban you until they come to your rescue. .-.


Plus, I have a completely vaild reason to ban you:


Insulting a leader of the club is an offense, my friend. ;3

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Yeah, and you're trying to stifle free internet speak. Just because you're an atheist doesn't mean that everyone else is, which means if they wish to talk about religion in a civilized manner, there's not a craps worth that you can do about it short of banning every single one of them for it. Then again, that would be an abuse of your power, and as such would get you a very stiff warning from your co-leaders at the least, as well as the lifting of all bans that you had placed.

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Yeah, and you're trying to stifle free internet speak. Just because you're an atheist doesn't mean that everyone else is, which means if they wish to talk about religion in a civilized manner, there's not a craps worth that you can do about it short of banning every single one of them for it. Then again, that would be an abuse of your power, and as such would get you a very stiff warning from your co-leaders at the least, as well as the lifting of all bans that you had placed.


1. As if I was serious about f***ing the topic


2. I know people aren't all atheists


3. I only want to ban you for dropping a lot of f-bombs on me, plus I hate you


4. I'm on the line of banning you

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