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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Look on the last page, dude. Fusion felt it necessary to make a memorial for Dray.

Yeah, Nexev, you, I remember. You never did believe anything that didn't fit into your little box view of the world...

Dude, my box is chillaxin.


You remenber me? I'm touched can't say the same though.


Not many things stick unless they are interesting.

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Elphemia: He's dead.


Weasel: *see sig*


Fusion: I don't know, actually. All I know is that at one point, I ended up being sealed inside a human body. I don't know how, but I imagine the reason was his protection. He was picked on quite often as a child.

Itachi:...Pedophile? I implore you to click the spoiler box below my brother's memorial.


Elphemia: Did I mention that Dray was dead?

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Itachi, it's probably a lolicon, not a pedophile.

There's a difference.

The difference if you are being honest.


Lolicons haven't been caught in the act.


Moralic values do not make a difference between the two in all honesty.


A rapist lolicon is just as much a loli as he is pedo.


Especially if you check etymology.

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