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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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1. Hellsing

2. One Piece

3. Naruto






*prepares to be flamed*

Wait, you're ready to be flamed, but no Flame Shields or inb4's? Not very good preparations.


Anyway, ignoring my rant I might generally give to people claiming One Piece sucks, what exactly are you doing in a Naruto club with that number 3 on your list? xD

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Funny story about that.


I joined early on, back when I still liked Naruto. Now I stick around because my friends are here (like Fusion and El)



As for One Piece, I'm not claiming it sucks.


It's below Naruto on my list, and I consider Naruto the epitome of average.


So One Piece is just slightly tilted toward the "bad" end of the good/bad manga scale.


Hellsing is tilted a lot tho.

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DL, shut up. That is YOUR opinion. YOURS.

And thus, extremly inferior to my opinion.

I told him mine.


You are one of the few people I have heard say NOT to read it.


Besides, you quit before the real fighting started, and the story exploded.



No, I'm just taunting Fusion =/


Oh really? So It's fair game to assume I can taunt you as well?


Good to hear.

.... ;_; You douche....



Dear god, sonichu all over again.

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Why surely you jest? You were the one that asked me to stop taunting him, then you go and taunt him? You hypocrit >:c



Also, the way you said it made it seem as if my opinion on Hellsing was less important than everyone else's because I didn't like it ; - ;




@BT - Who cares if he was just brought back to life? After the Zabuza arc would have been the perfect time to end Naruto early, and even then after the Naruto-Sasuke fight, that would have also been a GREAT time to end it.


But of course, Kishi doesn't care, and explodes the series into 500+ chapters.

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Fuse didn't feel like you were just taunting him, DL. You did it constantly. I did it once, in jest. You did it all the time, with ecchi, and he could not stand it.


I got upset because ou went on a long rant about it. You didn't just say you disliked it for XYZ, you went on a rant. That's swaying the opinion of the reader.

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Just messin with ya :3



Also, just because I go on a rant (and I moreso just said why I didn't like it through that rant, which was the PORPOSE of the rant) doesn't mean my opinion matters less :3


In fact, I introduced Fuse to all the manga he thought were good so far, KHR, kenichi, etc.


And you said KHR > Kenichi, yet he found Kenichi better (as do I)


So I feel I can dish out better manga, homes >;3

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