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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Yo guys, I'm going inactive for the weekend, as I have to work tonight, tomorrow I have a forensics tournament all day and work right after, then Sunday I'll be doing all the homework and studying I need to cram in before break.

I'll log in every now and then, but not for too long.

So see you all Monday, sorta >__>

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... I have yet to ACTUALLY expect GaaHina =/ It's crack. With someone that is shy, and someone learning how to be human. Ulquiorra was not human, and he was barely changing.


Furthermore, I see GaaHina as a guilty indulgence. It'll never happen, it is crack, but I love it.

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Crack pairings?

Really guys?


Work was murder...what I get for doing my friend a favor >.>

I'm catching up on stuff today, but the next time I'm on will probably be tomorrow night around the same time :/


EDIT: Guys, I tallied up the YCM Awards.

You know what's crazy?

El actually won something xD

Battered Veteran.

So did DL:

Most Active Member.

As did I...

Friendliest Member and Best Writer.

Of course Black...

Best Male Member and Friendship Award.

I'm just sorry because Black beat El in Friendship by 1 vote :/







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@Fusion - I don't want to hear that from you, you thought we'd get CRUSHED by the other clubs. >_>


And, I knew you'd win, congratz. Same for Black-kun


The surprising thing is that El won something, and I won most active member AFTER my active phase in YCM

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I know right?

DL, you were tied with Cherry for a while, but then you got a 4th vote.

El had 2 votes for BV and every other contestant only had 1 xD

And best club...yeah I was pleasantly surprised.

But holy crap, Roxas had like 20 votes .___.

And if any of you are wondering why I'm here, it's because I overslept for my forensics tournament and am now missing it.

I might be f*cking screwed..

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No, I think I'll write my English paper which I was originally going to do tomorrow and kill myself over it.

When I leave for Boston on Wednesday, I have a whole car ride (or until my laptop dies) to write chapter 20, hopefully I'll have a good amount completed by the time I arrive.

I know it's been a while, thanks for being patient in waiting guys, it's been a rough time.

I hope a new chapter of El's will be out today >.>

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