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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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El, apparently Naruto comes out on Thursdays now.

And sometimes Bleach too.

Don't you remember that status I made on the 3rd? This is what I was talking about -___-


Bleach on Tuesdays, Naruto on Thursdays. Always has always will.


Also Fusion, Rogue says hi and she gives a telepathic hug.


Now for S rank. Do I not deserve this???


Also as for the fight I just missed, you both sucked.

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I think he meant anime Black, because that's true for the shows.

Ninjew, S-rank=the Gods of Naruto from the old Akatsuki.

In other words, only 3, and they're the leaders of the club.

But you're A-rank which is the same as Kage was, that's good.

And you talked to Rogue? I also hug her back and hope she's doing well :)

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Too bad El, wait like the rest of us have to. And now to say what I didn't get a chance to due to some connection problems.


@El Make:

Yes, you did. I was simply reiterating the fact that I was fighting fairly and asking Black-san his opinion on the matter. (which I was doing when you ninja'd me anyway, so yeah)


Anyway, case in point is that you lose. Good day sir. *walks away*


Oh, and there's this little thing called trolling. Ever heard of it?

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So Fusion, your saying that by not making me S rank in place of DL, I'm not as good as Black??


Bro, it's nothing personal. It's just that you've only just came back, Black's always active, has shown leadership qualities (not that you have not), and is higher in post count.

If it means anything, you'd be next up for that rank along with Dranzer.

It's not that big a deal, since the only times the leaders are leaders are at random times that are rare nowadays.

El, you went to Vongola? How'd you even know about that place e.e

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Hmm..so it seems Akatsuki CAN live without me.


Good, now I don't have to feel like I'm holding on to strings.



Username and Alias: (Alias is optional, it can also be your nickname if you wish) DL, Daisuke, or Link

Favorite Naruto Character: Sasuke

Least Favorite Naruto Character: Sakura

Favorite Naruto Fight: Rock Lee vs. Gaara

Village: Mist Village

Skills for Missions: (for this, refer to the Mission Center and the sections under "What some members can do") Nothing

Who invited you: (this is only mandatory for level 3 members and below, the member who invited you must be a member here) Me, and myself, bishes.



Can't believe I have to be here to stop these type of conflicts, shame on you Fusion.



EDIT: I only decided to keep up with Akatsuki again after El said he and Zero were fighting. Again.

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@Fusion - Stop these kind of things early on, you KNOW how bad they can get.


Posting silly pictures will lead to nowhere.


El's too much of a dick to stop and Zero's pride is too big for him to back away.


@El - You dick


@Shadow - Ignore trolling


@Ninjew - Even if Dranzer came back right now, Black would have it over him, and he was slightly more active than you. it's simply because Black has been active throughout.



Also, I vote Shadow becomes an A-rank.

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