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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Well, my deck on DMG is doing pretty good against Remo and DL.


It was pretty bad against Black....



I need to see you duel Shadow some time. I know you loved seeing my Ice Barriers beat him in like 3-5 turns but you need to be in that position yourself sometime. xD

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lol Don't worry about it. We may get a little restless, but that just shows you how we are looking forward to the next chapter. It also lets you know that while we wish we could get an update sooner, we are willing to wait however long it takes for the next new chapter to get out. Personally, I think you should feel reassured at that.

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I actually am, it feels weird having different people pestering me about an update, but also cool. People are looking forward to something I'm putting my all into creating, and that's an ego-booster I can use nowadays >.>


But guy, in interest of a Naruto topic, does anyone else think this new Rasengan will be Naruto's answer to the Kamehameha wave?

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Yeah, I wouldn't mind Naruto getting a Kamehameha, he needs a ranged move other than the Rasenshuriken.

Plus, this will let him have an epic collision with Sasuke's Kirin.

But yo, check this AMV out and listen to the lyrics, apparently there are rappers who like Bleach >.>


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Black, that was a rapper rapping Bleach.

Wasn't it interesting :3

Oh right, you hate rap.

I found it interesting anyway..

And who here is good at finding openings and endings for stuff?

I'd consult DL, but he'll pick some random J-pop song when I want an anime opening/ending >.>

I'm pretty decent at it.



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