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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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SasuNaru CAN happen tho ;3


And it's kawaii <3




Also, as cute as GaaHina is, it'll never happen. We're nearing the end, and they haven't shared one line of dialogue. And it doesnt look like any more character development chapters will be done.


Oh, and Hinata is Naruto-crazy <3


Oh, and


[spoiler=Code Sharingan]




I love it <3

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Yeah, Code sharringan wouldn't make much sense really.


Even I probbaly wouldn't be able to pull it off.






Oddly enough, there IS a Bobobo/Death Note tie in, or something akin to it, Bobobo's author was apperantly incredibly awesome so he made friends with everyone, thus there are allot of cross cameos.


Yugi appeared out of Bobobo's afro once to summon Slifer.

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Oddly enough, there IS a Bobobo/Death Note tie in, or something akin to it, Bobobo's author was apperantly incredibly awesome so he made friends with everyone, thus there are allot of cross cameos.


Yugi appeared out of Bobobo's afro once to summon Slifer.

... WHAT THE HELL?! o_o


I tried watching Bobobo.... And everytime I did, I could not help but think "... I'm going to lose my intelligence if I continue to watch..."

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We're talking about Bobobo!?






Jk, I saw the ad for it and was like


"..... What.... the.... f***.... =.="

The ironic thing is that is the entire point of the show.


It is the only anime I actually finished. That and APH but I didn't catch any new updates on APH.


The others, (this includes CG, Digimon Xros Wars, and maybe a handfull of others) I watched like 4 episodes of, then lost my place and completly stopped bothering.


Fusion, if I don't have time to write my own FF, what would make you think I can read yours? >.<


I have a 2 essays and frikin math and chem homework. .____.

Reading is allot easier than writing bro.

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