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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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I need a favor..



I want to help speed the YMB 2 along, would you two (and anyone else who hasn't) make nominations here?


Dark just posted a list of who's in it and who needs another nomination, it'll be easier to make them now.


Oh and guys, I forgot to say: the Akatsuki has been inducted into the stickied C/O Hall of Fame. Go look.

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Black's just been too busy with Duel Monster Gaynegis to log into MSN so we can talk more about it.


But basically he'll be the one posting the chapters, I'll just be the one writing them, then sending him through PM.


But since KS is mine alone I'll stick around till it finishes.



Also, cool.

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Fusion, how do you not understand to concept of Byond?




It's not that, I installed it and everything. But when I try joining a game, Firefox can't open it because the address doesn't work or something.

Here, give me a sec, I'll edit in the exact message.

EDIT: "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (byond) isn't associated with any program."

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