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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Will do DMG.

And if El speaks the truth, then those pics are kinda funny.

And DL, you, me, and El are already in the YMB. So you can nominate whoever else you want aside from us 2.


So guys, Akatsuki members in YMB are:






Nexev needs 1 more nomination.

It'd be cool if more people got in, it'll be a tad difficult since you need two nominations to get in.


[spoiler=New chapter (finally]

Kankuro getting to Sasori...yeah.

Dranzer will be pissed. Ah well.

Most of the chapter was Naruto training, good thing Kishi balanced out the godmod in Naruto's new mode.

I kinda wish Naruto would learn how to turn into the Kyuubi :/

And wait, is he learning to make a new Rasengan using the black and white energy? Or is that his version of the Tailed Beast Bomb?

Alright chapter I suppose, I just hope we see some more action next chapter.


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Alright, it's like this tournament where YCM members can nominate one another to be put into the tournament.

Once there's enough contestants, members are placed in poll matches against one another, and so on and so forth until there's a winner in the end.

Our beloved Black won the last YMB, it's why he's not in this one.

DMG, you should go nominate some people if you want.

You can get into the tournament when two people nominate you, and you can only nominate 3 members, so choose wisely.

I just made a post there listing all the people who are in and who have 1 nomination left, so I'd check that before nominating. It's on the last page, go check it out.


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Sasori just became a much better character, IMO. I dunno, that part about his parents did it for me.




XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@Naruto's face, first panel, second row, page 12.


@Rasenganisbasicallysharinganontailedbeastbomb: =_______= That's as bad as Ichigo turnin into Hichigo!

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He won't, Killer Bee and the 8 tails didn't even consider trying to negotiate with the Kyuubi. Which either means it'll never happen because of the fox's personality, or because they think it'd take too much time to do so.

I just hope it doesn't focus on Naruto's training for too long next chapter, I want to see what happens to the ambush squad.

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That is, assuming they get one more nomination?



Also, there'll be so many contenders this once, I hope I don't go off agaisnt one of my best friends in the second round like last time... ._.


And...gonna turn in for the night, g'night yall.

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Night bro.

Deus could get another nomination, DMG might, it depends really.

It's the first 64 to get 2 nominations and we only got 20 or not even yet, so they got some time.

And yeah, that would suck if I faced off with you again .__.

Dark said he may or may not do repeats, depending. And that he'd do all the boring matches first.

Or last, can't remember.

I'd want to face Black and see by how many votes I'd lose by :lol:

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Seeing as I was close to Saturn, and Black and Saturn were neck and neck, I wager I'd have a chance, especially because at least a couple of people who voted for Black might vote for me instead if we faced off.


That's just hypothetical, however, I still think I'd lose by at least 4-5 votes.


You'd probably do pretty well, Fusion.


Also, he said he'd do them first.

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It all depends El. You actually only lost to Nex by two votes, if Ninjew and DMG were active at the time, that would have tied it, then it'd be closer.

I've got your back in any match, except against DL and Cortez. Former I'd refuse to vote and the latter, I'd pick him over anybody here :/

Guys, the new DEF is out!

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