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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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@Fusion - Well Fuuta isn't there, I can say that.


And next time I'll make sure to make the lines darker...



BTW, first I wanted to draw a Sasuke-like guy, then I had the urge to draw Takako. Then I had space to kill so I drew a chibi.

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You would....


Anyways, I don't believe in something with no purpose and is fake.....


Hence my atheism.

You truly know nothing do you?


Calling Religon purposless is a ludicrous statement no matter your faith, even if it's the faith of not having it.


He should. :) he doesn't want a rebellion like Alfred-kun on his hands



That's so cute with your belief that your a threat. <3

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not if there is substancial proof that the religion is real.

religious debates aside, that thing alfred pulled off was FAIL. the whole, "change YCM to make it a better place by end it all and rstarting" sounded like something Aizen would say >.> really cliche

Didn't you just threaten the same thing?


It only hurts when I laugh.

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