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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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@ Fusion

That doesn't change the fact your statement was suggesting something perverted.


Oh yeah, if somebody can explain why Venom is weak against fire and sonics, they get a rep.



Well I believe it is because symbiotes revolve on fluiddty and ease of movement. Since they are akin to a liquid.


Now vibrations travel better in a liquid then in the air, so sound (which is a vibration) rips the symbiote apart internally as the energy is disperesed throughout the vital organs as they lack bones to absorb the sound.



In addition fire tends to dry liquids by evaporating the stuff within it.


This is very bad for a symbiote.


So I assume that this why said weakness exist.



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@ Shadow


And you would get it right if you elaborate.


@ Nex

Not necessarily. Normally, since those... ARGH! I CAN'T ARGUE NORMALLY WITHOUT GIVING AWAY THE ANSWER!

Basically, in normal conditions, it would have defenses from having adapted to sounds and fire, right?



You're all close, but this is the last hint:

Where was it born, exactly?

And what things can't exist where it was born?

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Sound isn't the problem. It's the really big soundwaves that cause trouble for symbiotes.


Perhaps it has something to do with the acceleration of particles in a symbiote that takes place due to either fire or sound?


And it was born on the moon, where Sound and Fire cannot exist due to an appreciable lack of atmospheric particles, which is to say that there is no atmosphere on the moon.

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@ Fusion

Shadow already got it. Sorry. And you're still wrong.


Scientific explanation:

Basically, the Symbiote was created in space, which is a vacuum. Since its space, it would have been exposed to basic elements that make up air due to stars and the rocks it was on. It has immunity to oxygen and most chemical reactions due to exposure to stars and other phenomena in space. However, it was still born in a vacuum and it reached a stage it could not adapt only after it reached its first atmosphere in Earth. First of all, it could not survive on its own in the atmosphere, so it needed a host. It was immune to fire because that was the main chemical reaction that it was not exposed to while in space. Every other creature can survive with fire, but not the symbiote.

Sound can't travel in a vacuum, so the Symbiote wouldn't have been exposed to sonics.


EDIT: Shadow, that's why it bonds. It can't actually survive completely on its own in our atmosphere, so it has to "feed" through other things.

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@ Fusion

Shadow already got it. Sorry. And you're still wrong.


Scientific explanation:

Basically, the Symbiote was created in space, which is a vacuum. Since its space, it would have been exposed to basic elements that make up air due to stars and the rocks it was on. It has immunity to oxygen and most chemical reactions due to exposure to stars and other phenomena in space. However, it was still born in a vacuum and it reached a stage it could not adapt only after it reached its first atmosphere in Earth. First of all, it could not survive on its own in the atmosphere, so it needed a host. It was immune to fire because that was the main chemical reaction that it was not exposed to while in space. Every other creature can survive with fire, but not the symbiote.

Sound can't travel in a vacuum, so the Symbiote wouldn't have been exposed to sonics.


EDIT: Shadow, that's why it bonds. It can't actually survive completely on its own in our atmosphere, so it has to "feed" through other things.

Fire is heat.


The moon's surface, without any insulation from atmosphere, can get as hot as the sun.


There is a irregularity in that arguement.

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Well, it COULD be an explanation.

If Madara uses his Tsukuyomi on the world via the moon, if Naruto goes to the dark side of it (Pink Floyd) he'll be unaffected.



@ Nex

1. Dude, the original symbiote was born on an asteroid.

2. And fire itself still has a different effect than heat itself.

It has to be concentrated enough in order to burn if its just heat.

Like, flammability is if it can be set aflame. If that quality itself exists, then it is not exactly the same as heat.

Also, heat doesn't just produce smoke on its own.


EDIT: Oh yeah, difference between heat and fire:

Heat can be produced by anything with enough kinetic energy.

Fire is the process of taking oxygen and converting it to Carbon dioxide.


Last argument: Heat can be radiated through a vacuum. Fire can't.

Now I must go. Sayonara!

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@ Fusion

Shadow already got it. Sorry. And you're still wrong.


Scientific explanation:

Basically, the Symbiote was created in space, which is a vacuum. Since its space, it would have been exposed to basic elements that make up air due to stars and the rocks it was on. It has immunity to oxygen and most chemical reactions due to exposure to stars and other phenomena in space. However, it was still born in a vacuum and it reached a stage it could not adapt only after it reached its first atmosphere in Earth. First of all, it could not survive on its own in the atmosphere, so it needed a host. It was immune to fire because that was the main chemical reaction that it was not exposed to while in space. Every other creature can survive with fire, but not the symbiote.

Sound can't travel in a vacuum, so the Symbiote wouldn't have been exposed to sonics.


and then Frieza born

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O2+2H-->2H2O. AKA: Oxygen and Hydrogen bond together to form Water. However, in the case of fire, the Oxygen would form CO2 or CO. Better known as Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide. One of those is probably toxic to the Symbiote. Or, it could possibly have something to do with the heat given off. Being born in the vacuum of space, it would be adapted to cold environments.

The sonics would affect them the same way as it would canines. Note how Venom and Carnage are not affected by speech, but are by Bells, rockets, and sonic weaponry. It has more to do with the higher pitch, and thus the higher frequency. My guess is that a big enough sonic boom would prove to be fatal.

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