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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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*stabs El Make* Uh-huh, so you're implying that I made everything go bad or something?


>implying that El would allow himself to be stabbed

Now my boys, violence solves nothing.


Do things like any civil gentleman would do.


*hands El and Zero trading cards*


Wait...does that mean that the thing that I am always called by El Make is what is ever present here? That's perfect for me! ;D

There was probbaly a joke in here but it's lost in the twists and vagueness?


Does that make sense?


Do I care?


Well, the only problem Chaos, is that you're the source of it......





Don't f***ing joke.


He's the sanest one here.


...That's not a compliment with me.




Anyways, back to stuff that matters, I'm so bored. =.=




That was too easy.


I feel dirty now.




Uh-huh, and yet you are the sick person who talks about peoples penis's. <_< Yeah, I went there.

Okay, that was just sooooooooo out of left field that it's gobblygook.


Knife=/=penis in THIS context.


So the arguement is so invalid you have no idea.

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You're Pokabu, the Fire Pig pokemon.

You always try to be happy whenever possible. The only times when you find it really hard to be happy is when you have problems that are bugging you or other people are running you down. You always try to crack jokes whenever possible and tend to be a funny sort of person.

Many people like to have you as company because you make them laugh and your constant happiness makes others feel happy also.




Oink oink motherf***er.

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You're Zorua, the Evil Fox pokemon.

You tend to be a nice sort of person, but you suffer from a short temper and can explode at even the slightest things. Many people tend to like you, but are also afraid of you because of your anger swings. You never really mean to hurt anyone, but once you get angry you start shouting out things that don't really mean, but can't help yourself.

You have a couple of friends, you may of had more that were scared off by your anger. The friends you do have have learnt to put up with it or just don't mind being bullied for the sake of having a good friend.


Damn, I have more than a few friends....


But other than that.... I must agree...

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Hey, guys! I have socks that can play music!


Miju, Miju!


EDIT: Wow, I WOULD get the same thing as Fusion and Shadow. >.>

And I have more than a few friends... although it still is accurate.


So this is what happens when you two are left alone..

It's been a while so I forgot >.>

Guys, take this quiz



It's funny because it sounds wrong...

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@ Fusion

It's not scared. It's actually a lot easier to come up with than you think. Here are the facts:

- Venom is a person bonded with alien symbiote

- The symbiote was born in space. Not on another planet, but the vacuum of space itself


The third point is the reason.


EDIT: @ Shadow

Lol, no. Venom would just EAT Sonic, and he's cooler than Torch.

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