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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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We can see why you're not planning to be a stand-up comedian.


Anyway, if there wes ever a character to hate was Karin, cause Ino is a hotter Sakura. Karin is a less important Sakura. With gay glasses.

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@Black-Madara actually does know his shizz. I doubt he knows more about Itachi the character, but he's a huge Narutard, trust me there >.>

@Topic-My least favorite is Kin. Because she's a bish who uses the most useless power, bells! And she's a bish.

In other news, I saw the new Harry Potter today.

Why must summer be so far away?

I'm resisting the urge to reread all the books again, until I finish other stuff and the movies finish.

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@Fusion: I know! I saw it the day off and was like!!!AHHH I must see this movie!!!!! PART 2. MARATHON & BOOK A THON FTW!!!


by the way, does anyone here know Jazeth's youtube. He told me a while back, but I...yeah I forgot. If any of you do hear from him on the regular, please tell him to contact me. +3 rep, as a thank you for whoever does.

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I've got a youtube. Though, for some reason, it hasn't been letting me sign in...<.< (Doesn't help I'm one of three people in the world without a google account.) Thus, I've been considering making a new (youtube) account.


I've got a youtube. Though, for some reason, it hasn't been letting me sign in...<.< (Doesn't help I'm one of three people in the world without a google account.) Thus, I've been considering making a new (youtube) account.


I've got a youtube. Though, for some reason, it hasn't been letting me sign in...<.< (Doesn't help I'm one of three people in the world without a google account.) Thus, I've been considering making a new (youtube) account.

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I have one.


You can guess it, no doubt. If you can't, you deserve to be shot.


BTW, Fusion, Kin's no more of a b**** than Sakura.


In fact, Kin isn't that much of a b****, comparitively.


And she DID nearly beat Shikamaru.


Cause bells + sounds waves = better than most side vilain powers.

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