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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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"Love & Rap" sounds like the title of a bad movie Starring...i-i don't even know who. So please don't talk about it now Nex, they'll have there fun with it when they come back.


As for Rap Vs. Poetry, Rap whens because its poetry at an ultimate point. Plus it seems to bring more recognition that poetry. But ahh imagine if a rapper used Iambic Pentameter to establish his flow?

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Good luck with that.


Anyway, what's your most detested character in Naruto?



Well obviously mine is Sakura.


So goody-goody, and nice, yet always fails.


Never good for anything.


I expect there's an opposite meaning to Nexev's theory.


People dislike characters that are similar to them?


Either that, or they identify with the character's weakness.



In my case, the identification is not missable.

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Well I hate Sakura, and she is like me, so yeah.



Anyway, if anything, Itachi's the reason Sasuke's like that, anyway.


In the end, he messed up the kid pretty bad.


It would be better if Itachi HAD been evil, then Sasuke wouldn't have gone MORE evil.

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i bet i know more about itachi O_O

EDIT: ill prove it sometime, pm me, cuz iv gtg.

i bet i knowz more cause im the bestest cause i am always teh bestest cause im me and i am coolz and why dont you think im cool i am really cool cause im the bestest at everything because im that coool cause that is me

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