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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Girls give me $3.00 >_> Just not as a BF.


@Wham: No one...


@DL: ... Too mean.


She might... but, I don't know if I want her back. She said to wait until after HS to be ffriends again... but, I dunno.


Black-kun, if you're wondering why DL said that, you should also know he gave me a message.


He told me to tell you, you can go shove 21 Guns up your ass.


Now, I have something to say.


Go shove 21 Guns up your ass!

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Girls give me $3.00 >_> Just not as a BF.


@Wham: No one...


@DL: ... Too mean.


She might... but, I don't know if I want her back. She said to wait until after HS to be ffriends again... but, I dunno.

You act like I give a damn.


And, you dont know if you want her back? YOU'RE DESPERATE AREN'T YOU?



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And you're mad at me... Why?


Pssh, why would I want someone that dropped me, and screw up my view of my purpose by me falling in love again.

Because you're desperate as fuk?


And in YCM you'll get nothin, no info.


Perhaps somewhere I CARE to talk?

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Bluh bluh, stupid philosophy is stupid. Are you going to look at the clouds all day hoping for a step guide to your life?


Life is a game, but your not the player, getting abstract doesn't somehow link you to gamefaqs.


You get to where you go by doing, not thinking about what you should be doing.

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Well my nerves are as unbalanced as a teakettle

So don't test my mettle, I swear to you

Let me be, and I'll be true, you see, the truth, no lies

It's all in your eyes, disgueise the fact you can't see me now

I'm too high in the sky, click-clack OVER, BLOW!

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Yeah DL, you are like Revenant >__>

You even have a Revenant-eque avi.

Let's see..

My day has been primarily been comprised of car rides, sleeping, eating, listening to my Grandpa's stories, and babysitting my little cousin.

Oy vey what a day.


I won't be on much tomorrow, my cousin's kid is having her Christening.



Quit riding on Black, it's annoying to read for others too.

And Madara, hey buddy, been a while >.>


But I was wondering, does anyone know how2itunes?

[spoiler=My problem]

I've added a whole bunch of new music lately to my itunes right?

I try uploading them to my ipod, but when I plug it in, nothing happens. When itunes should load automatically and begin syncing.

So I manually open itunes, but it doesn't even recognize that I have an ipod plugged in.

So I basically can't sync my ipod and add new music :(

Any ideas on how to solve the problem? I've tried restarting the computer, but that didn't work.


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Fusion, you probably uploaded it wrong.


And Black you have one flaw. Showing love can be in anything. Ex showing someone happiness can be a form of showing love. In that sense you are a lover. But you are talking about romantically.


That's simply a period in your life. It'll pass. In the mean time do not dwell on it. Just find someone who interests you enough to date and lose your self in the joy such a relationship can break. Concern yourself not with the Fall, but only with the Rise.


And I'm sorry your Pissed DP. Love the Eminem thou.


Nex, poetry is just...wonderful. Like any others.


Fuse, your seem busy, but I would just retry everything from the beginning. Erase the music from yur ipod/itunes and resync it. You probably uploaded it incorrectly. This is why I dont use itunes, too much work.

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