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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Lol you sai-

Never mind.


In that case, who do you think would win, Madara or Aizen?

Just think about it.

Dude. Aizen >_>


Aizen has Hougyoku + Ultima Illusion Godmod.


He tricks Madara into believing that he died, or was hurt, Madara becomes tangible, gets blown up, Izanagi, repeat. No Izanagi on the second go.

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All right people, this is mine and DL’s project. You see, it all started one night when I was in a drunken state, and wanted to “sing”. So, I stripped the lyrics of Green Day’s “¡Viva La Gloria!” and adjusted them to fit DL. Well, I was inspired by this and made “I’m A Fusion” after I logged off. The rest is history, and DL and I have formed a “band” you could say, making songs from bands like LP, Green Day, and Skillet and directing them at YCM and junk. Our name is Chibi Bacon, because bacon is the best meat of all there is. Fusion! Prepare for some RAEG! This is our first album: Minutes to Breakdown!


[spoiler=Minutes To Breakdown, by Chibi Bacon]

[spoiler=Act I. DL]


[spoiler=¡Viva La DL!, by El Make (¡Viva La Gloria!)]

Hey DL, are you standing close to the edge?

Look out to the setting sun, brink of your vision

Eternal youth, is a landscape of a lie

The cracks of my skin can prove, as the years will testify...

Say your prayers and light a fire, we're going to start a war~

Your slogan's "A gun for hire", its what we've waited for...


Hey DL, this is why we're on the edge

The fight of our lives has been drawn in this hate for Fusion...



You blast your name in graffiti on the walls!

Falling in broken glass and slashing through your spirits!

I can hear it like a mourning Fusion!

DL! Where are you DL?

You found a home in all of clubs and organizations!

You made your bed in Chibi days amongst the clubs!

Ashes to ashes of our youth!


DL smashed his knuckles into Fusion! (D~L~)

As autumn's wind fades into black(-kun)!

He is the saint of all the losers! (D~L~)

The one that's fallen through the cracks!

So don't put away your burning torch!



Don't lose your faith to your lost agnosity!

Weather the storm and don't look back on last Fuse-mod attack!

When your hopes were burning down!


Send me your hentai before I die!

Bring me the porn I always will remember!

Don't let the boner die down!










[spoiler=21st Century DL, by El Make (21st Century Breakdown)]

Born into Brazil he was raised in hell

A welfare child where the sweatshops dwelled

The last one born and the first one to run!

His home was overtaken by the drug cartel!


His generation is zero

He couldn't make it to a working class hero!


21st Century DL!

He was dropped off at Maimi~

And he became the hentai freak he is to this day~

He is the one and only 21st Century DL!


He was maaaaaade of cocain and sperm!

Condemnation is what Brazil lacked in his hood

Video games were pumped into him!

Homeland security slaughtered him!


His generation is zero...

He couldn't make it to a working class HERO!


21st Century DL!

He was dropped of at Miami!

And he became the hentain freak he is to this day!

He is the one in the only 21st Century DL!


We are friends, all to this day!

Born in the era of humility!

We are the desperate in the decline

Raised in shelters of porn and no discipline!


His name is no one!

The long lost son!

Born on the 4th of July~


Doesn't matter to those dolts in Brazil~

Who left him for dead or alive~


Down in the US of A

A child with nowhere to go!

He left for the internet cafe!

He looked up YCM~

And the site contaminated him!


He met a guy named El Make, who became his best friend!

He created a place~

Where akin could hide!

Named it the Chibi Knights

That drew a crowd of 3!

He became a whore of posting~

And left the FTK to die!


He became Ragnarok's successor!

With over 20k posts!

But then he got a call from hoooooome!


He learned of his trip, back to Brazil!

And thought of the chaos that would dwell!

Yet he got on that plane!


He raced for the nearest comp!

The moment he touched down!

He's in Brazil, back to the cartel!

Where sex comes like cheap labor!


Oh dream, America, DREAM!

For DL to return!

From the light's early dawn...


Oh SCREAM, America, scream...

Try to be free...

Of his turning curse...



Normal Songs:

[spoiler=¿Viva La DL?, by Darklink401 (¿Viva La Gloria?)]

Little DL, little DL

Why are you spying?

Inside your pervy soul your heart is dying

Little Link, little Link

Your soul is yearning

For sex and those lolis

Your blood is surging



From the girl you have harassed

And know it’s all the karma you have amassed

You're a stray for the pedophile police

There is no way you’re home

Without your lolis you’re alone


Little DL, little DL

Hear your calling

The lolis and hentai of your perversion

Little Link, little Link

Your sky is falling

Your lolicon collection is now burning


In the wake all the way

No naked lolis

Your bloodshot eyes

Will show your deprivation


Little DL little DL

You dirty perv

You look at fakku

How could you have the nerve?



To become a YCMer

And find yourself with your face in the slammer

You're a stray for the pedophile police

There is no way you’re home

Without your lolis you’re alone


The lolicon magazines

You always carry home

Like the many drops of blood

From your nosebleed

You're walking with hentai

And running to fakku

So pervy.

Brother of hate.



From the girl you have harassed

And find yourself with your face all but slashed

You're a stray for the pedophile police

There is no place like home



[spoiler=Act II. El Make]


[spoiler=El and His Guns, by Darklink401 (21 Guns)]

Do you know what's worth fighting for?

When it’s like the YCM War

Does it take your bacon away

And you feel yourself suffocating?


Does the condom weight out the prize

And you look for a girl to ride?

Did something break your heart inside?


T’was the condom


One…El and his guns

Lay down your arms, give up the fight

One…El and his guns

Throw up your arms into the sky…or you die


When you're at the end of the ditch

And all you see is Ama the b****

And your thoughts have taken their toll

When your curse mark breaks the spirit of your soul


Your sex life’s on broken glass

And the hangover doesn't pass

Nothing was ever so evil in the past


T’was the condom


One…El and his guns

Lay down your arms, give up the fight

One…El and his guns

Throw up your arms into the sky…or you die


Did you try to live on your own

When you had sex in your own home?

Did you stand too close to the fire

Like Chase looking for forgiveness from the bacon!!


When you want to ejaculate

And you’re too sick to masturbate

Something inside this heart has died


T’was the condom


One…El and his guns

Lay down your arms, give up the fight

One…El and his guns

Throw up your arms into the sky…

Or you die…



[spoiler=El’s Holiday, by El Make (Holiday)]

Say, hey!


Hear the sound of the falling believers

Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)

The fail

The ones who stood up for them!


Hear Fusion trying to get free!

Singing a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!)

He tries, to free himself from the chains!


I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the rising darker days!

On El’s holiday!


Hear the mourning lolicons!

Thinking they could get across the line (Hey!)

But they ended up the same!


Can someone yell Amen? (Amen!)

For all the poor Christians wrapped in the American Flag! (Hey!)

Done by me, it’s a reign of the f**!


I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the rising of darker days!

On El’s holiday!



(Say, hey!)




"The representative from Douchemania has the floor"


Say DL have you grown up yet?

Peds need to go to the vet!

Hey Fuse you get free from the chains?

Let me know when my hellfire rains!

Bang bang goes the broken glass and

Kill all the f**s that don't agree

JZ make another sandwich

I’d be inclined to throw you out the lock!

Just cause, just cause, because I’m El Make yeah!


I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the rising of atheist reign!

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the rising of the Ama’s death!


This is my life of El’s HOLIDAY!




Normal Songs:

[spoiler=Boulevard of El Make’s Dreams, by El Make (Boulevard of Broken Dreams)]

I walk a sexy road...

The only one that pimps have ever known.....

Don't know where it goes

But it's home to me and I walk alone


I walk this pimpin' street

On the Boulevard of El Make's Dreams

Where the noobs are shot

And I'm the only one and I masturbate~


I kill Fusion...

I kiss girls...


I like boobs...



My porno mag's the only thing I got!

My douche-ness separates me from the others!

Sometimes I wish showing feelings was okay~

Til then I act like a dick~~


I'm walking down the line, that divides nerd from pimp

On the border line

Of the edge where I punch some guys...

Get me a frikin vid

So I can jack off happily


But wait I'm a douche

Happiness doesn't exist...

Just know I get in bed 1 billion times more than you......


I'm a dick....

I supress feelings.....


I am THAT guy.....



My porno mag's the only thing I got!

My douche-ness separates me from all the others!

Sometimes I wish showing feelings was okay~

Til then I act like a dick~~


I kill Fusion...

I have a bigger dick than you...


I walk this pimping street

On the Boulevard of El Make's Dreams

Where the noobs are shot

And yes that means you Fuse...




My porno mag's the only thing I got!

My douche-ness separates me from the others!

Sometimes I wish showing feelings was okay~

Til then I act like a dick!


[spoiler=Last of the True Atheists, by El Make (Last of the American Girls)]

He talks trash about your god

Like a bullet going through your ear!

He will tell you to shove a cigar in your bible!

He doesn’t give a f*** about your faith…

He is one of a kind

He’s the last of the true atheists!


His name is El Make and he wants to end your life

He can shoot down any good fact on religion you got

He’s ready to sucker punch the nearest Christian

He’ll say ‘to hell with your faith’ straight to your face!

There’s no way he’ll say sorry…

He doesn’t care

Well he’s the last of the true atheists!


He picks up ‘Green Day’ CDs for the anti-Christian theme…

He will listen to ‘East Jesus Nowhere’ for hours on end!

Don’t expect him to hide his opinion on your religion…

He believes in the song ‘An Old Book Misread’!

Like a hurricane in the heart of devastation

He’s a full blown douche…

He’s the last of the true atheists!


He will slander your god with ease…

He’d rather pay ten dollars than say your damn prayer…

He’ll sacrifice his mother, just to get out of the service…

It’s no big deal he’ll find another….

He’s the one who won’t back down,

Well he’s the last of the true atheists!



[spoiler=Act III. Fusion]


[spoiler=I’m a Fusion, by El Make (I’m A Gangster)]

I'm a Fusion! I'm a straight up nerd!

The failure life, is the life for this turd

Getting laughed at by day, having no sex at night

Being a fusion is in no way tight!


I walk around town with my glasses on

And gave your mom, a coupon

I saw the police man and gave him a high 5

To serve and protect, what a swell guy!


I also like Naruto, you should too!

But don't get me started about Majin Buu!


I'm a Fusion! Man I suck!

I'm a Fusion! My grades are bad!

I'm a Fusion! I'm pretty damn sad!

I'm a Fusion! I suck my own weiner!


I stopped playing Yugioh last week (why?)

Cuz Cortez always beat, the crap out of me!


My outfit is cool, just reading One Piece

My outfit is hot, like Tsunade in a 2 peice!

Cortez is my buddie, he's a nerd to!

Me and Cortez make up the geek crew!

I like to think of girls and he likes to play cards, some say we’re the perfect match...


I'm making a shout out to my homies in Duel Terminal 8

My life sucks cuz I can only masturbate!

Cept when a drunk girl walks near me

My penis cheers!

Until she punches me, like a queer


El Make helped me be, slightly more cool

He kicked me in the balls cuz I thought about Bejeweled!


I'm a Fusion! I drop loads like a kid!

I'm a Fusion! I wish I could get in bed!

I'm a Fusion! Luigi is my idol!

I'm a Fusion! I'm a total narutard!




I'm listening to Skillet, just like a poser

I got kicked out of Kyubi Shards for wanting Takako's mother~

Listen to BOBD!

I'll say it's cool!

What's up with mah fails? YO~YO~YO~


I go on YCM, all day long

So everyone can see I know about fox tails~

DL thought I'd be cooler... aw! What's the point!?

*gun shot*



[spoiler=American Fusion, by El Make (American Idiot)]


Don't want a world controlled by Yugioh!

And can you hear the sound of that mourning!?

The result of Fusion's loss!


He's gotta talk about Naruto all day!

All across YCM's border!

Everything will be okay!

As soon as the mods become salvation!

But that'll never happen as long as Icy's aro~ound

For who gives a s*** about noobs!?


Well maybe we want to kill Fusion!

I'm inclined to stick a brick up his ass!

Now everybody rage against him!

And sing along to his cries of agony!


Welcome to the world of Fusion!

All about loss in life!

Everything is falling ap~art!

He'll just make it wo~orse!

Can we still save ourselves from him!?

That we do not know!


Don't wanna be an American Fusion!

Want to actually have sex!

Don't want to know everything about Naruto!

Please save me before he gains an afro!


Welcome to the world of Fusion!

This is where we fall!

He's tainting us into his kind!

Of black and blue nerds of the age!

We don't have a chance as long as he's around!

So please someone take an air strike to his face!!!!!!!



Normal Songs:

[spoiler=Fuseatose, by El Make (Comatose)]

I hate feeling like this

I'm so tired of getting rejected

I'm asleep and all I dream of

Is waking to a girl!

Tell me that this is a nightmare

This lack of sex is too damn awful

And the more I realize the truth, it becomes a scare!



I’m trapped in this hell… of stupity!


I don't wanna live, I dont wanna breathe

Les I have a girl with me

I guess, I’ll never breathe!

Thoughts of prostitution never felt so real!

I really wanna sleep, I really wanna dream

'Cause my dreams contain girls

Unlike, my actual life!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!


I hate living without boobs

Never got a chance, to try to lubes!

I refuse to turn gay

I won’t be drawn away!

Oh how I adore girls!

Oh how I thirst for girls!

Oh how I need girls!



I’m trapped in this hell… of virginity!


I don't wanna live, I dont wanna breathe

Les I have a girl with me

I guess, I’ll never breathe!

Thoughts of prostitution never felt so real!

I really wanna sleep, I really wanna dream

'Cause my dreams contain girls

Unlike, my actual life!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!


Breathing air

Without her near

My hopes snap shut!



I’m trapped in this hell… of awkwardness!


I don't wanna live, I dont wanna breathe

Les I have a girl with me

I guess, I’ll never breathe!

Thoughts of prostitution never felt so real!

I really wanna sleep, I really wanna dream

'Cause my dreams contain girls

Unlike, my actual life!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!

Oh how I adore girls!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!

Oh how I thirst for girls!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!

Oh how I adore girls!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!

Having a chance never felt like such strife!


[spoiler=One Fusion Closer, by Darklink401 (One Step Closer)]

I cannot fake this anymore

More of a nerd than I was before

These yu-gi-oh cards make no sense

I’m just full of ignorance

Less I fail, the less you say

But you knew that anyway

Just like before


Everything you say to me

Takes me one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!

I need some sex in my life

But I’m one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!


I find my fails are too clear

Wish I could find a way to disappear

All these fails makes no sense

Why the hell am I so dense?

These fails don’t go away

Over and over again

Just like before


Everything you say to me

Takes me one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!

I need some win in my life

But I’m one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!

Everything you say to me

Takes me one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!

I need some win in my life

But I’m one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!


Shut up when I’m being a nerd!











Everything you say to me

Takes me one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!

I need some sex in my life

But I’m one Fusion closer to the curb

And I am but a nerd!



[spoiler=Act IV. Black]


[spoiler=Leave Out All the Black, by Darklink401 (Leave Out All the Rest)]

Dreamt I was spreading

His word to all

With everyone missing

No one hears my call


After my dreaming

I woke with this fear

What I am teaching

With my time here?


So if you care enough I want you to know

When my time comes

Forget the wrong that I’ve done

I will leave behind some reasons to have lived


Please just listen!

And when you’re feeling empty

Keep my words in memory

Leave out all the Black, leave out all the Black


Don’t be afraid

Of hurting my feelings

Just don’t call me gay

I sympathize fast

Cause of my tragic past

I belong in Naruto

It’s too bad I’m Black


So if you care enough I want you to know

When my time comes

Forget the wrong that I’ve done

I will leave behind some reasons to have lived


Please just listen!

And when you’re feeling empty

Keep my words in memory

Leave out all the Black, leave out all the Black


Forget all of the pain inside you’ve learned to hide so well

Remember, I am here to come and save you from this hell

But I can’t change who you are


Forget all of the pain inside you’ve learned to hide so well

Remember, I am here to come and save you from this hell

But I can’t change who you are


Forget all of the pain inside you’ve learned to hide so well

Remember, I am here to come and save you from this hell

But I can’t change who you are



Normal Songs:

[spoiler=Time of Black’s Life, by El Make (Time of Your Life)]

Another prayer for you, another blessing for me

This is why I keep doing what my faith believes

In the end I’ll be free, in the end they’ll love everything they see

I hope I can help someone over come the fear


It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

This is the time of Black’s life!


So I’ll save another one, pull them from the dark

Maybe a second pupil, show them how to be loved

I’ll stand for them, protect them from being tainted

Give them a cross, after they fainted!


It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.

This is the time of Black’s life.


Get a church up and going, teach them about the light!

This is the time of Black’s life.


Prayers and wishes going around, know you’re wanted, come and be found!

This is the time of Black’s life!



[spoiler=Act V. Deus]


[spoiler=You’re Not Deus, by DL (You’re Not Me)]

You think I am insane

Everyone thinks I’ve got a screw loose

So how come my only words are the goddamn truth?

No one understands my super special awesome logic

For just one day

Don’t say if I were Deus

Or tell me that I lose

Or how things would be if you were in my shoes

Cause I lack feet

I know what you need

And it’s madness not freaking hentai

I get so tired of all the crap you try

Give me what I want, and I promise I’ll leave you alone

This coming day

Don’t say if I were Deus

Or tell me that I lose

Or how things would be if you were in my shoes

Cause I lack feet

Please take the cookie now

It’s not poisoned anyhow

I guess I don’t expect that you could understand

Cause you’re not Deus

I know you think you are so smart

But unlike me you have a heart

On the Eifel Tower let’s play darts

Everybody get out your Mario Karts!

For far too long I’ve been insane

Being normal is such a pain

No one can say I never tried

To get back my cookies and my pride

And you will always lose, cause you’re a goose

And you’re not Deus




[spoiler=Bonus Track]

[spoiler=Jesus of YCM, by El Make (Jesus of Suburbia)]

[Part 1: Jesus Comes]


He came to the internet one day…

The Jesus of YCM!

From the land of desperate nerds

Creating a place… For us to call a home!

It was dead quiet for the longest time!

To when the years date back!

And soon the drunks poured in!


And there’s nothing wrong with him

What he did isn’t a sin!

In a land of nerds akin

That want to be free!


Call the mass of the geeks… Let them rain glee!

In this place we call a home!

While the jocks seem to play all day!

Jesus of YCM fix this bug!

Please don’t just don’t shove it under the rug

Like you do so many times, don’t make Pizza put it away!


And there’s nothing wrong with him

What he did isn’t a sin!

In a land of nerds akin

That want to be free!


[Part 2: Noobs Arive]


At the center of YCM

In the general sect

Where the noobs began to spawn…

It was a chore like mowing the lawn…

They seem to spam all day

Why must they be so gay?

Wait isn’t it bad to use a thought

That goes against their kind…

Oh those homosexuals…


City of YCM

At the end of another lost hyperlink

God why won’t these noobs just go away?

City of YCM

Let these people know true hell

Shove them away to tell…


We read the spam

In the Realistic Cards

Like ice breaking into dangerous shards…

And so it would never end…

This is why we try to pull away

But it’s useless when there’s Jay…

Why must this keep on going on?

Where is your Jesus now?

I really want to get out…


City of YCM

At the end of another lost hyperlink

God why won’t these noobs just go away?

City of YCM

Let these people know true hell

Shove them away to tell…


[Part 3: Akatsuki Rises]


Aune’s Apprentice comes

All those Narutards flock

Like women to a black cock


Aune’s Apprentice comes

All those Narutards flock

Like women to a black cock


Aune’s Apprentice comes

All those Narutards flock

Like women to a black cock


Aune’s Apprentice comes

All those Narutards flock

Like women to a black cock


I don't care


Darklink 401 tries to convert

But El Make doesn’t want his dirt!

Fusion’s a lost cause!

Let Dranzer find hell just because!

Soon enough he takes the s***

Letting the Sand take a hit

We are all the followers of…

Of the Jesus of YCM!

Land of Naruto!

Begging to get a hoe!

Let them know how to sex

El Make won’t protest!

And DL will happily agree!

Aune’ dies

Aune’ dies

Aune’ dies

Aune’ dies


[Part 4: Chibi Knights Fall]


Dearly beloved are you listening?

El Make and Dark Link are carrying you to sleep

This is our final plight so don’t became a sheep

Let the new guys, take you for a walk

I don’t feel the need to talk…

Is this the end or will stay awake?

Deus will say something about the cake…

I think I’ll sleep today, there’s no need to get excited on this day…


[Part 5: Grown Up]


To live and not to breathe

Is to die In tragedy

So why, why stay?

Instead of life having a day?

And I leave behind

This mass of f***ing noobs


I lost my faith to this

This site, that hates me with bliss

So I click

I click exit

To the hope, of growing up

And I leave behind

This hurricane of childness

And I feel so glad

That in the end I’m not so mad

As I was back then


I don't feel any shame

I won't apologize


When all I left behind was them…

DL I’m sorry, for him

In all the time he was the best

But I guess he can’t really… EXIST!


You're leaving...

You're leaving...

You're leaving...

Ah you're leaving YCM!


[spoiler=City of the Admins, by El Make (City of the Damned, Part 2 of Jesus of Suburbia)]

At the center of YCM

In the hidden sect

Is where they like to hide…

Fixing things is a mere lie…

They let the mods run amuck

Man those admins suck

Mods do all the grunt work

Yet YCMaker gets all the fame…

He’s like an ice cold burning flame…


City of the Mods

The only place they have to go!

Still they are oppressed!

City of the Admins

Power hogs that can’t get enough…

They really don’t give a funk…


I read gossip on the wall

That lies in the FTK’s hall…

It was almost like Pizza planted it

Just because of what it said…

It didn't say much

But it only confirmed that

The admins are pulling the strings

And the Mods are merely dead wings…

Bet Icy would digress…


City of the Mods

Trying to escape the hate that lies…

Within the awful cries…

City of the Admins

Taking all the glory that doesn’t belong…

Hiding in there lost section’s web…


[spoiler=Let the Admins Rot, by El Make (I Don’t Care, Part 3 of Jesus of Suburbia)]

Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot forever


Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot forever


Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot forever


Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot for

Let the admins rot forever


Let them rot!


They’re all so full of s***

Talking the glory that belongs to us!

From 21 Guns to Yin

Let them know we’re here to win!

We are the people that clean the site

Of all those awful things that like to bite!

We are the slaves to him

The Jesus of YCM!

Land of hell to pay

That wants me to say

“I give up on this”

But Pizza suck his miss!

I’m a Mod and here to stay!

Let them rot!

Let them rot!

Let them rot!

Let them rot!


[spoiler=FTK Beloved, by El Make (Dearly Beloved, Part 4 of Jesus of Suburbia)]

FTK beloved are you listening?

Spamming away like when the rats are singing…

Are we demented or does spam come right?

Let our wars of hell never meet the light…

Oh DMG, can you please recreate it?

Am I retarded or am I just missing the wit?

No club is perfect and yet we stand accused

What could you expect from us, and that’s my best excuse…


[spoiler=Tale of Another Awful Troll, by El Make (Tale of Another Broken Home, Part 5 of Jesus of Suburbia)]

To post and not to spam

Is to die In tragedy

To flame, to flame all day

To b****, all the way!

And I realize

The trolling I f***ing left behind!


I lost my faith to this

This site, that I made pissed

So I flame

I troll away

To the beat of “Bad Day”

And I leave behind

This hurricane of hateful mems

And I walked this line

A million and one f***ing times

Let them think they’ve won


I don't feel any shame

I won't apologize


I’m the best of the best of us…

Unlike some members

Like Fading Black when trying to prove a point

Tales from another awful… troll!


I’m better...

I’m better...

I’m better...

A better troll than you...


[spoiler=East Mods Nowhere, by El Make (East Jesus Nowhere)]

Raise your hands now to testify

Your report will be to dignify

A mod that’s got now way!

Like an Icy screaming for a friend!

Ban you! All the normal mems

Lock this! All the righteous threads

Let Flame Dragon run you through!


Put your faith in Opalmoon

And it's non-conditional

Stand up for the others now and then

Before Marble feels the need to end you!


A fire burns today

Of banned trolls and sacrificed threads!

The laughs of mods rain

Let there be much hell to pay!


Oh bless me Crab for I have sinned

It's been a lifetime since I last posted…

I threw my password in the “I don’t give a funk” pile…

And I'll be ready for Pikaperson’s best…


Say a compliment for the team!

Drop some asterisks to please!

The mods that like to squeeze!

I never asked for a god damned ban!


A fire burns today

Of banned trolls and sacrificed threads!

The power of Umbra

YCM will become the frozen tundra!


Don't test me

Second guess me

Protest me

You will be banned…


I want to know who's allowed to say

When the mods get crushed one day!

YCMaker what a team!

These are the shackles you let them breed!


A fire burns today

Of banned trolls and sacrificed threads!

Sushi cut us up!

Let us be no more than the daily drop!





Be trippin'! >:U

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