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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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[spoiler=I can haz predikshun?]

Well, Haku, above many of the others, WILL fight Naruto.


The only reason Haku will still be sentient is the fact that Anko vs. Kabuto will keep Kabuto distracted. If not Anko, someone else will have him distracted.


In the fight, Haku will comment on how Naruto is so different, yet the same, as he was when they fought.


They will fight, and Naruto will begin to overpower him, all the while they are talking.


As Naruto goes for the kill, Haku will tell him "I'm glad to see you have the resolve, and kept your way. And now, you are finally killing me for that person.", or something similar.


Then, Naruto loses it, and goes full Fox control + Sage mode



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Haku is the strength of a Jonin, Zabuza even said he was stronger than him, probably.


Don't be dissin teh Crystal Ice Mirror man.


@Black - MSN >:T

Yeah so?

Johnin are weak compared to what they fought.


Notailed Naruto could beat him.


So why couldn't a one tailed?

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