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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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DL is doing chibi sage man?


Black, Andx pointed out I forgot about his canine counterpart in DEF, and I said I'll fix that. He said don't just throw it in there so the story doesn't make sense, then I said I'd incorporate him into something you're doing at the right time so it doesn't seem thrown in.


As for me, I had a long forensics practice and just didn't manage to log on until now.

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Fusion, really?




Wow, I thought you'd have at least SOMETHING to say. =.=


Oh right.

Sorry about your girlfriend bro, but you sound like you'll be fine, so no big, right?

In other news, I'm nearing completion of chapter 15 bros.

So far, looks like first half will be interesting plot stuff and the second half will be fun filler.

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Not even the Ichigo vs Ulqui fight?

Cuz that was done well.

I just started watching One Piece and Bleach a little bit ago and now I get different stuff to watch every day of the week.


What animes do you guys watch?

Me is



One Piece

Pokemon Best Wishes (don't facepalm, it's actually good so far)

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds

And english dub FMA Brotherhood, but I don't know if they will continue that :/

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I don't watch Bleach... Only certain things, such as Ulqui vs. lolIchigo.


Proto, alright. Since I am thinking of music, and testing a special deck, the pass is... Girls /flawlesslogic


Nevermind. Senpai's back.




Pokemon BW


FMA Bro dub. Vic Pderfiderf ftw!

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Good VAs:

Dave Wittenberg (His Kefka is better than the Japanese Kefka)

Yuri Lowenthal

Dan Green

Ichigo's VA (Forget his name... Nex loves 'im)

Vic Mignogna

Hinata/Orihime's VA.


Ichigo's is Johnny Young Bosche, also the voice of Lelouch and Sasori.

I'd also add Sean Schemmel there for a perfect Goku and Lucario >.>

I like Kyle Hebert too, but that's more of a personal preference.

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I don't watch Bleach... Only certain things, such as Ulqui vs. lolIchigo.


Proto, alright. Since I am thinking of music, and testing a special deck, the pass is... Girls /flawlesslogic


Nevermind. Senpai's back.


Not even the Ichigo vs Ulqui fight?

Cuz that was done well.

I just started watching One Piece and Bleach a little bit ago and now I get different stuff to watch every day of the week.


What animes do you guys watch?

Me is



One Piece

Pokemon Best Wishes (don't facepalm, it's actually good so far)

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds

And english dub FMA Brotherhood, but I don't know if they will continue that :/





Also, I don't watch any current anime, altho I'm planning to watch Durarara after Code Geass.


@Fusion - IDK about Disgaea as a whole, but I played Disgaea DS. FUN SHIZ.


They break the 4th wall so much, and emphasize on stereotypes


For example



Laharl (main character): Shut up, from now on, your name is mid-boss!

Mid-boss: WHAAAAAT?!



it's hysterical.


And they have prinnies. AKA, exploding penguins that say 'doood' a lot. There's an anime, but you might as well just look for the games.




BTW, you guys forgetting Vegeta's VA? :3


Or is it just OVER 9000!?

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