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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Andx, I really don't know. That was such a while ago >.>

Mind telling me since it's 2 chapters later..

Sure I'll tell you, lol.

Now recall I was the only one to raise a point like that. Look at my avi.

Now if that wasn't clear enough, you had the representation of me take a blow to the eye to protect Black, but you never mentioned him recovering or being better even though Black had a decent roll in Ch 13. xD

See how minor it was? Completely self-centered on my part and lulzy overall.

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Ah of course!

Well, rest assured you'll be fine >.>

You're right, that is my bad..xP

I'll address it in 15 or 16, depending on how long/what direction I go in for 15.

lol, I knew that. I just wanted to see it.

It's fine. Don't force such a minor detail into a place it doesn't belong. Let it happen at a point where it makes sense and all that.

I only ever held out on telling you because of how minor and funny it was.

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I won't force it in, I'll obviously incorporate it into what Black is doing :P

And guys, the Wiseman left.

But the one and only had come back :D

Yeah, all I really meant was don't force it in if it doesn't fit the mood of the chapter.


So, now that you're not a wiseman anymore you can tell us what it's like to have had wisdom and then to lose it.

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Well, how do I put it..

It's like having a smart and neutral 3rd person perspective on things constantly.

But losing it is as simple as asking someone to fix your mistakes for you.

And wah la, the good ole me is back.

Though I'd like to think I've retained some wisdom as lots of events have changed me lately >.>

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You only need 1 club to apply for affiliation though, so I'll just edit the stuff here and you can list Akatsuki as an affiliate of yours.

And I think something is wrong with my bellybutton..

.............must I care?


Also, me and El just had fun killin monsters and shiz, and he had fun leading me to a place with demons >:T






@Black - He meant in the DEF fic >_>

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@Zero - OMG, you said something helpful. Congratz.




@Deus - lmao, I almost tried that.


But not cause I wanted to know about Naruto.







if you guys have trouble in school about the order kingdom, phylum, class, species, and stuff, just remember


Please - Phylum

Come - Class

Over - Order

For - Family

Good - Genus

Sex - Species



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