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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Black, did you know the 2nd round of YModB started?

And you know, when Shadow gets in fights nowadays, I usually see it from others putting down what he says regardless of what it is and then making him look like the jerk, making him react jerkishly, or by overreacting to what he says and then starts a conflict.

Would you guys quit trolling Shadow, and just ignore him if he says something provocative? Please.

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Black, did you know the 2nd round of YModB started?

And you know, when Shadow gets in fights nowadays, I usually see it from others putting down what he says regardless of what it is and then making him look like the jerk, making him react jerkishly, or by overreacting to what he says and then starts a conflict.

Would you guys quit trolling Shadow, and just ignore him if he says something provocative? Please.

No, because it simply makes no sense. Why do I have to pretend that all his lame jokes, his fail insults, and his claims that we are all just trolling him are actually cool or atleast not stupid as f***?


I am not going to coddle him.

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No, because it simply makes no sense. Why do I have to pretend that all his lame jokes, his fail insults, and his claims that we are all just trolling him are actually cool or atleast not stupid as f***?


I am not going to coddle him.


Jokes, you can just facepalm and move on or point out how bad it was.

The other two would only come if someone's provoking him or making fun of him.

Which is what I'm asking for you guys to quit doing >__>

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@Fusion -I'm normal?




Oh gosh...




You're funny Fusion.



Also, Fusion, stop cuddling Zero, he's a big boy.










If anything


I'm Teen trunks

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@Fusion - Yep


Seemingly cool, yet really just trying to be polite, and quiet.




I'm sure you're not the only one.


Heck, I prefer this Zero loads better, because he's much less of a jerk. But his jokes SUCK.


And they usually deal with poking fun at something someone in the club said, like a witty comeback.


And since he's Zero, he gets flamed.

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@Fusion - Yep


Seemingly cool, yet really just trying to be polite, and quiet.




I'm sure you're not the only one.


Heck, I prefer this Zero loads better, because he's much less of a jerk. But his jokes SUCK.


And they usually deal with poking fun at something someone in the club said, like a witty comeback.


And since he's Zero, he gets flamed.

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[spoiler=Current post count]

El Make 2361

Wiseman Fusion 2168

Daisuke L. Hirako 2118

Fading Black 1591

.:☆BT☆:. 1154

BlackSkullCortez 717

Dranzer 556

Lord JZ of the Enigma 523

Ultimate Assassin Ninjew 481

Z.E.R.A. 467

Daybreak 412

Mr.WHAM 304

HitoKage 253

Nevert 232

ProtoMachineEmperor 95

Chaos Sonic 84

true_madara_uchiha 75

Kisuke Urahara 48

Donovyn Mikara Gerra 44

Deustodo 44

RoguexKarnon 38

Sakura Haruno 35

Andx 26

Ice 26

necroplayer386 23

Smesh 14

Deidara's Blackwing 11

The Glitch 10

Niashi Inumaki 9

Aqua Girl 8

NeoDemonX 6

Phantom Roxas 2

RoxasReaper 1




DL, I could agree to that actually.

And Nev, I'mma promote you to Special Jo-

Wait, I never put in the new ranking system..

*goes to do thart*

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Sasuke. What do YOU think is up with his sexual orientation >.>

He could be gay, you never know..

I believe he's straight. He has a rabid fan girl in Karin who he purposefully ignores but isn't into guys either.


Though whether or not he'll ever act on his orientation is whole other matter.

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But I just said I thought he was an asexual >.>

He's never shown romantic interest in ANYBODY and has shunned it when presented to him, which leads me to think he's asexual..


Alright. I'll elaborate....


Imagine, at the age of 7 or whatever it was, your whole family is murdered.


Then you witness it over and over.


Then you find out it was your brother who did it.


Is your life dedicated to getting a GF when you have the potential to take revenge on your brother?




All jokes aside, u have a point.

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