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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Yeah, I like Black-san better without the trolling. <_< *currently listening to the transition by hawthorne heights*

Thats because he only bugs YOU.


Heaven forbids we put you in any place than your rightful throne on Mount Sue.




@Dai: You know I was wondering that myself, I just thought you didn't think this out very well though.


I feel mean if I block them >.>


And yes I do.


There's like 5 people who suddenly start up convos wit me and all I'm thinkin is "GO AWAAAAY >:I"

I find this funny for homestuck based reasons.

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In homestuck the main characters are plauged by trolls who claim to be in a dimension apart from their time so they can message them throughout time and know they are going to fail spectacularly.


The thing is, they are actually being truthful, they are from a past game session and begrudgingly aid the players throughout the story.

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Fusion, I'm not even sure what Due Date is. =.=


I dunno if you go out to movies that much, but it's that one with Robert Downey Jr. and the Hangover guy. On a roadtrip.

Actually looks really funny >.>

DL, I tried being not nice, it doesn't work.

Never try to be something you're not, that's what I learned.

Also, we have ninja ranks for...


Guys I have a better idea.

How about instead of shinobi ranks like Genin and Jonin, we have CLASS ranks.


Like S-rank, A-rank, B-rank, etc.

That makes more sense now that I think about it.

And Shinto 3 would be separate from that.


So lessee..




Special Jonin and Chunin=C

Genin and Ninja Academy Students=D


How's that?

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El, Wham is here.

You dick >.>

Black, I meant those as sacrifices. And which ones are you gonna revive?

Can't think of any that you would want back..




*magnum's Fusion*


*punch's Fusion*


*ball shot's Fusion*


*sword slice's Fusion*



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*bonks El* Simmer down you, or I'll summon giant steam rollers! lol




*sword goes up Chaos's dick*


Oh Chaos, do you know what this is?


*holds small glowing orb in palm*


It's whatever pride you had. I'd love to give it to you, but there's a problem with it.


*crushes pride with foot*


It's broken.

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