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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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That's even worse >.>

Why do you think I hate the Yankees, it's because their fanbase is so obnoxious and likes to put down the Red Sox and carry on their elitist attitude.

If modern baseball was made into a movie, the Red Sox would be the main character team with a loser streak, rookie team, and losing one of their best players. And their rivals are the supreme and elitist Yankees that win every time.

Then they overcome them in the World Series and happy ending results! (Yankees would be in National League for this movie just so they can have an epic final)

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lol fusion put me as Yamato...Nice try!


A quiz put me as Orochimaru (EW!!!!!!)

I think of myself as naruto/kimimaro(whom I'm starting to love more than Naruto...)


So either....Kakuza or Itachi...


It'd take a while to explain it but im one of those two...lol


And by the way:


I grew Up/Live in NJ.

I have to put up with the aftermath of the Jersey shore and racism....and the fact that the US like to Teabag NJ calling it the Armpit of the country

And my hometown aint the happiest place on the ninja world map either

I do have some good ol' apprectiation for the Yankess though, and when have you ever seen me be an elitist? Or just...like that...I find that shameful to some degree that you would view some of us fans like that? Or the team. I mean yes there are Douches * D*cks but I would say im not one of them...

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So either....Kakuza or Itachi...



I grew Up/Live in NJ.

I have to put up with the aftermath of the Jersey shore and racism....and the fact that the US like to Teabag NJ calling it the Armpit of the country

And my hometown aint the happiest place on the ninja world map either

I do have some good ol' apprectiation for the Yankess though, and when have you ever seen me be an elitist? Or just...like that...I find that shameful to some degree that you would view some of us fans like that? Or the team. I mean yes there are Douches * D*cks but I would say im not one of them...



It IS the Armpit of the country... Just like South (Not North) Carolina is the crotch... this place should burn...


All Yankees fans I have met are douches...

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Black, I hear you.

Every day, I'm constantly called "Big Head" and stupid.

Seriously, my friends in real life and on YCM love pointing out my naive mistakes and branding me as an idiot regarding common sense >.>

But I honestly think the cure to that is just being yourself more and more around your friends, and soon, you won't care what others think.

Freshman year-I wanted to be cool after a suckish middle school experience, and tried to be what I'm not

Sophomore year-I made friends with all my buddies now, and hanging out with them has made me more relaxed and easy-going

Junior year-Grades are dropping, but I'm now sorta socially comfortable. After spending a summer on YCM being open and honest, I found it easier to be myself in public, and now I occasionally talk to girls (a rarity for the past 2 years) and I'm not ashamed of joining the Forensics team. My English teacher is my coach, and every day he usually talks to me about something with it, in front of kids who can clearly eavesdrop and hear, but I don't mind, which I definitely would have in freshman year.


Honestly Black, my advice would be to act like you do on here and how you do around your IRL buds. It may be hard, and I bet the one subconscious thought will be "people will notice the difference and think it's weird".

F*ck the weirded out.

I view idiots as complete simpletons and ignore any remarks thrown my way, and speak my mind and don't worry about fitting in.


I dunno if this will help you, but I'm trying >.>

I can't tell if I would know what it's like to be you, but we are fellow nerds, and there's something in there, right?


EDIT: I have to say the same as Black, all fans I met are pricks :/

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I told DL and Ecchi how much I hate their comments to you... about you... They upset me... I know I just called you stupid... but I was just being defensive...


I have 1 IRL friend... The others are in NC... And there are only, like, 4... I act the same wherever... I speak my mind... but if I let out my nerdiness, all reputation would die...


I have acquaintances... just no true friends here.... except 1...

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Really? What'd they say?

Cuz I remember the days when we all acted jovially, now they're turning into my real-life buddies. Makes things tedious >__>


Damn Black, that really sucks. If you act the same way, then honestly I think the problem is other people, not yours.


And 1 friend? Then here's what you do.

Treasure that friend to the depths of your soul (you probably already do, but yeah).

You're right in keeping in your nerdiness, you shouldn't let people know your interested in anime and stuff.

But for nerdy hobbies which are "common" like debate team, student council (bad example I guess), chess club, newspaper, don't be for those.


In fact, I think the best advice: for anything you're secure of.

Show off.

I don't mean draw attention, but be proud of who you are.

I knew this one kid who was friends with all the popular people and jocks, but he wasn't athletic, had great grades, and acted like himself. He was in the play, he was true to his interests, and everyone liked the guy.


I don't know if what I'm saying means anything, but think like this (possibly bad example, but bear with me):

You remember how Sakura was emo and depressed because of her forehead? Then Ino gave her a ribbon and after that, she gained friends and became more socially comfortable.

Knowing what people make fun of you for, don't encourage them by acting reserved and ignorant about it.

Acknowledge it.

Depending on what it is, embrace it.


Black, if you laugh it off and clearly show you don't give a sh*t, they'll grow bored.

Someone makes fun of you? Joke with them.

Even if the bully recognizes what you're doing and starts their fake friendliness, thinking only he/she and their friends know what he/she's doing, humor them.

Make them think they're being clever with their fake friendliness and stuff.

Because you know they'll be cleaning your bathrooms when you're older.


Anyway, I don't know if what I said helps, but at least think about it.

And hey, you're a senior. If things don't go well here, just move on to college where you'll actually meet other intellectuals.


EDIT: I just spent like 15 minutes thinking of that for you, know I'm trying >.>

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I've heard everything in that post a thousand times...


I can't not care what people say... Heck, I am now so afraid that people are mocking me... that I cannot be cheered on...


I told them you don't deserve it, and they say I need to take a joke...

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Well, dude, you gotta remember that life ain't easy bro. For nerds like us, socializing isn't easy. I KNOW most of the generic advice given sounds stupid and that it really wouldn't work, but dude, if people have said that enough for you to hear a thousand times, doesn't that mean something?

Like, maybe if it doesn't seem like it works when you first do it, results will come after doing it for a prolonged amount of time. You may be quick to dismiss bro, but think of WHO tells you that stuff. Maybe the best thing to do is go to people who KNOW what you're going through, that have been in the same situation.


If people say take a joke, then dude.

Take a joke.


But I'm serious. If you take it as a joke, or rather, learn to do so, then you'll start feeling less hurt attached to it.

To be honest, after hearing big head and retarded enough times, it just becomes tedious to me, I accept it, then joke about it. Then I make fun of my friends for their faults xP

What I've learned from being a teenage guy is that we insult each other constantly. Even with closest friends, we make fun of each other and belittle one another ALL the time.


If what I'm saying still doesn't help, then I think I would PM El Make actually. I have a feeling he'd know what to say to you, seeing as he's a "popular" person at his school.

Or is socially outgoing, one of those.

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I've TRIED some of it. IT failed...


I never make fun of ANYONE! At least, not to their faces... and only then in joking with that 1 friend...


Yeah, but being called big isn't liek being called retarded: One's a fact...



HAH! If I try to seriously talk with Ecchi.. .he complains about my/DL's emotional baggage....

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I've TRIED some of it. IT failed...

In what way?

I never make fun of ANYONE! At least, not to their faces... and only then in joking with that 1 friend...

When I say joke around, you do that with your friends. Don't make fun of people you're not friends with, then you'll be a douche.

When you make friends with someone, THEN you insult them. Because by then, they'll love ya anyway :P

Yeah, but being called big isn't liek being called retarded: One's a fact...

But I have repeatedly shown lackluster common sense. I think the fact mine's lacking compared to others makes it a fact...


HAH! If I try to seriously talk with Ecchi.. .he complains about my/DL's emotional baggage....

El needs to realize that not everyone is as thick as him and he should learn to be understanding and be there for a friend then >___>

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The "Be Proud" approach...

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Try a subtler way of doing it. Act normally, but when confronted, that's when you act like it doesn't bother you. If they persist in why the sudden disinterest, say you've got bigger things on your mind than that. If they keep trolling you, keep cutting the convo short and get out.


Or you could pull an El. Stand up in front of the caf proclaiming whatever, then taking detention for it :P

But tell me, is it a case of bullying, or do guys just mess with you a lot?

.... idgi.

Bro, guys make fun of each other all the time. El can attest to this, it's just something we do. You can dismiss it as idiocy, but it's the way we joke with each other. It's like a level you reach once you're friends; when your friends make fun of you, you know you're tight.

You're not retarded.. .your IQ is over 70...

Retarded isn't used literally of course...like always.

That word shouldn't be used too lightly though, idiotic and stupid fit better.

And I'm kinda socially stupid >.>

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People mess with me... A LOT.... Ridiculously so... 24/7....

Dude, that sucks man. If they KEEP harassing you, they aren't even worth it.

And one last thing I'll try to help with before I go, if you don't like hearing insults about something, then maybe you should strive to change it. If you don't like something about yourself, the only thing preventing you from getting rid of it is you. But if you do like it, then that's other people's problem.

It's idiocy. Sheer idiocy. One or two cracks aren't bad (Like my friend always does slightly better, so he makes little jokes), but the constant idiocy? Horrid.

A joke thrown in every now and then is the way it should be, but it's pretty common. CONSTANTLY hearing it can just make it tired and tedious though, I agree.

I am too.

Do people make fun of you the same way they do me on here?


If you were completely socially retarded, you would do as badly here as in real life.

I know that sounds lulzy, but I'm serious.

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Nah Cortez, you're fine.

And yo, check my character post 2 pages back, I want to see if you agree with my characterizations of our members xD

And I should really write this paper...got busy "helping" Black..

Cortez, I have plans today and SATs/work tomorrow, so I'll try hitting you up for a duel/talk on Sunday if possible.

I just hope I'm not working then >.>

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You don't need the corpse for Edo Tensei, just the soul.

Because their bodies are made of earth, ash, and that kinda sh*t.

With their powers completely intact.

Hence, Deidara and Itachi will be complete.

Hidan is slowly dying of starvation in that hole Shikamaru buried in according to Wikia.

[spoiler=Also guys]

I was wondering who each of us would be as Naruto characters.

You think these are different? (slashes=mix of both or either or)






Dranzer-...Konohamaru/Sasori (glad he's inactive for the moment, dude would kill me)

Black-Gaara/Choji (I foresee bifurcation and lolwuts, you and Choji are both kind and caring to everyone you meet, are occasionally self-conscious about your flaws, treasure your friends, and when are insulted, lash out at the insulter)



DMG-Orochimaru Neji


Wham-I know this sounds bad, but I really don't know >.> Yamato?



Isn't Danzo the asshhole no one likes?

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@Fusion - I actually don't consider you an idiot, you jsut fluctuate to it often. And duuude, it's true, I don't get how friends go with a nice friendship, just like, not makin fun of each other and stuff xDD


It's fun to make fun of you and El for your mistakes, as well as I expect to be made fun of for my lolicon/pervy past. :3


If anything, those are the best friends, those that aren't afraid to poke fun at you and your failings.


And Fusion, never say jovially again. >.>


And how the hell am I Haku, cept for the girl-ish part?


Seriously. I'm the opposite of Haku, basically.


If anything, in here at least, I'm a mix of Shikamaru and Kakashi (makes perfect sense, don't deny it)


But IRL, I'm just Shikamaru and Hinata. But I'm quiet not only cause I'm shy, but because I don't see a need to speak, really.



@Black - You can always talk to me. Altho I hardly ever get made fun of IRL, if at all, so not much experience there. But I can always console you~

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