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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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A. I'm hoping he'll answer here, I'm too lazy to make more of an effort.

B. Going to a con is kinda the opposite of that though, isn't it?


It has Fusion in it.


Not to mention it's been that way since midnight...took you a while noticing it.

And you stick with that name because you don't shake it up at all.

If you changed it to something cool with "El" in it, then that'd be fine by me.

Oh yeah, gotta pick up my sister now :/

Back in 45 min-1 hour.

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Strange, I would have figured you'd like cons Black, but guess not.

Which is completely understandable >.>

Oh yeah guys, new DEF chapter is out.

And the fact Nex didn't critically analyze it means it wasn't half-bad :D


Well I don't know, but go read.

By the way, I'm home.

And I'm going out in a bit to get my sister from practice.


Still don't know who Ben is but the only real problem is that Deus would have accidently killed himself if he actually had that problem.


There is a reason why people have pain, it keeps you from doing things like accidently biting off your tounge.

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Ben, right.

Well, Deus leaving YCM kinda ruined his development, but he asked me to do a crossover with his fanfic about Majora's Mask. So I was gonna say go read his fic if you want to know about Ben, but now I'm not sure >.>

If he really doesn't come back or gives up on it, then I'll give all the info you need in his bio.

And Deus, well, he's learned to be careful. I definitely know his life is mad difficult with no pain, but he's managed because he's Deustodo.

EDIT: Whatever El, we never said you had to >__>

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No no, Ben and BT are different people.

Deus was going to make a Majora's Mask fanfic with the main character being Ben. He supplied me with info on him and the first chapter, then I put him in my fic.

It was a crossover, and I'm not using him again (or I'm not planning to for the moment).

You could also consider him as a plot device preventing the FTK from getting slaughtered by Club Pikachu, since he beat up a good chunk of them.

Either way, doesn't matter now.

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You mean Rising Dawn?

No, we're just busy with school.

And some of our active members have gone inactive.

We're roughing it out right now basically, but we're (awake and) alive and well.

El, Imma go check if MSN works. If it does, my username will be FusionXD.




Dude, I need your email for it, not your username. D:<

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DL told me BRAZIL's school year ends in December.

Isn't that just the normal year's ends?


That's suprisingly uncomplicated.


Why didn't he just say that?

Whenever Nex makes a wise@$$ remark...a puppy dies. :'(



Look, do you even know who the hell I am?



I'm allergic to dogs, it benefits me if they die out.



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