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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Mangastream has released the first of its triple chapter this week


and did you notice that mest looks a lot like he kid that all the animals and stuff died from. I think Mest is his evil half who needs the dragon slayers for something. The kid however can't get near them and there fore has to rely on him to bring him to them...

thats all i got so far.

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Black-kun must win, so I voted for him.


And with an epic comment I might add.


@Fusion - Fusion, you'll jsut have to wait and see, hmm?~ ;D


Let's just say I got some pretty tight moves planned for Takako.


Also, you baka. All I said was we'd be busy with runescape, so this place would die down a bit.


I never said we're quittin here :/


But believe me, when El and I are on Runescape, we hardly have ANY time to post.

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