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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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How md is mid-sized?



Also, first, a chapter that made El Make go
















What was going on? He, El Make, hater of Rina, was suddenly being cornered by the one person he detested more than anything. This was not good, not at all. What if his girlfriend found out? Ah, his girlfriend. He remembered the good times, when he could just make out with her.


As El Make let his mind wander to past make-out sessions, he tripped and fell down into a sitting position.


Yeah, this was bad. And not just mildly bad, no, this was bad like...


He could think of nothing that was as bad as Rina trying to seduce him.


Oh crap, Rina. He had forgotten she was inching toward him.


Actually, no, she wasn’t. As he brought his thought back, he noticed Rina mere inches from his face. He yelped and brought his head back, hitting it on the side of a desk in the process. He sat there, dazed, for a few moments. Then, Rina touched his chin and gently lifted it up.


“El-kun… I want you in-”


“Do NOT finish that sentence…” El Make said, interrupting her.


He had heard enough. He did not know, or want to know, what Rina was about to say. The mere thought of her being inches from his face sent a cold shiver down his spine.


“El-kun… I thought you said you loved me…” Rina said, a tear forming in the corner of her eye as she began to blush.


That was it. She had crossed the line. You could try and seduce him. You could get mere inches from his face. You could even fantasize in your head, but when you tell him he confessed his love to the person he hated more than life, that was going too far.


El Make brought his foot up on Rina’s stomach, causing her to bend over and clutch her stomach, gasping for air. She fell backward. El Make, panting, stood up.


“Now, why don’t you tell me what you’re doing here, for starters? Actually, no, screw that. Tell me why the hell you’re trying to seduce me!” El Make demanded.


Rina looked up at him on all fours. “I… love you, El-kun…”


El Make suppressed a gag, and cleared his throat instead. “Well, I dislike your entire existence, so please leave, before I have to do some very unpleasant things to you…”


Rina blushed. “Well, if it’s El-kun… I won’t mind.”


El Make, this time, could not hold back, and actually gagged. “I hate your personality as well…”


Rina stood up. “I can change, El-kun! I can become your perfect girlfriend, lover, wife, sex toy, or whatever you want!”


El Make pondered the statement. “Well, what about Dark Link? I thought you liked him.”


Rina shook her head. “I thought I liked Dark Link, but I like you better, El-kun. I do, I swear…”


El Make thought for a moment, and then nodded. “Alright, I guess I can give it a try. Just promise you’ll stop acting the way you do…”


Rina’s eyes began to sparkle. “Of course, you’ll see I can change! Thank you for giving me a chance, El-kun!”


Rina stepped forward and leaned over to kiss El Make. Their lips were a few inches away, when El Make sidestepped and tripped her. She fell flat on her face.


“What are you, stupid? You’re obviously not Rina, or you’d be obsessed over Dark Link, and even if you weren’t, you call him Sasuke, not Dark Link. Now come clear, who are you, really?”


Rina shook her head. “It’s true, El-kun, I’m really Rina…”


As she finished her sentence, Rina pulled out a knife and jabbed at El Make.


She attacked him first. Finally, he had a reason to beat her senseless and not have to feel guilty. He raised his leg to kick her, but it wouldn’t budge. He looked down to see that shadows were holding his feet to the ground. He sighed and grabbed Rina’s arm, to avoid getting stabbed. She tried to struggle, but was helpless to escape his grip. El Make opened his other hand and a sphere of dark energy formed in it. He sighed and shoved the sphere in Rina’s stomach. She looked down as the sphere penetrated her body, causing no wounds. El Make let go of her hand and stepped back.


Rina fell to her knees. “What have you done?”


El Make chuckled. “Oh, not much, it’s just a little something that will consume every positive thought in your head. You don’t have to worry much, as someone like what you are will probably just disappear. Actually, you’re more of a something, huh?”


Rina’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”


“I read your heart. It’s easily within the boundaries of my ability. Now, goodbye, fake Rina. This was quite… unpleasant…”


Rina was about to stand up, but noticed she was fading away. Her eyes widened, and a tear formed in the corner of her eye, only this time, it was genuine.


“I don’t want to… not yet… please…” Rina began.


Before she could utter anything else, she disappeared in black dust.


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kk *readies raeg*


Also, chapter 24:




Chapter 24 - If Looks Could Kill, a Harpoon Cannon wouldn’t be Necessary



Creator was pressing buttons and shouting instructions. “Prepare the Moonstone Cannon. They’re too great in number right now. Have Team ‘A’ meet me at the bridge and deploy Team ‘B’.”


Creator jumped off of the platform and began running toward the bridge. When he got there, Dark Magician Girl, El Make, Dokuro, and Caine were there.


“Alright, everyone is here. Here’s the plan. Team ‘B’ is infiltrating the enemy’s mother ship as we speak. We have to go to the other ships and destroy them from the inside. Are there any questions? If not, we go now!”


Creator jumped inside the ship, and everyone followed him.


Meanwhile, Team ‘B’, composed of Chase, Yugioh Rulez, Hollowblade, Kailyn, Dark Link, and Snake Boy, were already inside the enemy’s mother ship.


Dark Link looked around. “Okay, were in, and it doesn’t seem like anyone noticed us coming in… what now?”


Chase checked a nearby corner, and then returned to where he was. “Well, since I’m in charge of this mission, I’ll tell you. We have to sneak to the power core and destroy it, then we teleport back to base. It’s that simple.”


Snake Boy shook his head. “It sounds dimple, but we know there’s at least two council members on this ship. If they find us, we’re as good as dead.”


Chase chuckled. “Are you kidding? I could beat one of those guys easily.”


A voice came from behind them. “Is that so?”


Chase turned to see a person in a red cloak.


Dark Link turned in surprise. “Who are you?”


The person removed his hood, revealing his shoulder-length red hair. “My name’s J-Max. I’d rather not fight you, but I can’t just let you pass, either.”


A sweat drop fell down Hollowblade’s cheek. “Guys… you sense that energy? This guy…”


Kailyn nodded solemnly. “He’s almost twice as powerful as X-31 Fighter…”


Chase turned to Yugioh Rulez. “Hey, is it okay if I leave this to you, Hollowblade, and Kailyn?”


Yugioh Rulez slowly nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine. Just do what you need to do fast.”


Chase nodded, and he, Snake Boy, and Dark Link went on ahead.


Kailyn watched them leave, and then turned her attention toward Hollowblade. “You do realize we can’t win, right?”


Hollowblade nodded. “Yeah, but we can at least slow him down…”


Chase, Dark Link, and Snake Boy stumbled upon a dark room.


Dark Link glanced around. “Well, where do you suppose we are?”


Snake Boy chuckled. “We’re at the doorstep to our deaths, that’s what…”


Chase was about to say something, when the lights went on, and standing there was a young girl. She had blue hair that almost touched the ground. Her eyes pierced deeply into the minds of anyone who beheld them.


Dark Link stared at the girl. “What’s a little girl doing here?”


Snake Boy grunted. “She’s not any little girl. Don’t you sense her power? She could have killed us before we even knew we were being attacked…”


Chase chuckled. “So she’s part of the supposed invincible council. Fine, I’ll take her on. Snake Boy, you and Dark Link go ahead. I’ll be right with you,”


Snake Boy shook his head. “No way, I don’t want to be stuck here with that guy, when there might be more as powerful as this girl around.”


Chase shrugged. “Stay if you want, just don’t interfere. This’ll be over soon.”


Dark Link turned to the young girl. “Hey, who are you, anyway?”


The young girl parted her lips, and a single word came out of her mouth. “Rinne…”


Rinne dashed at Chase and punched him in the stomach, making him flinch. She then jumped back and landed in front of Snake Boy, who was taking out his gun. She kicked him in the head, sending him to the ground. Finally, she ran to Dark Link and jabbed through his chest.


Dark Link coughed up some blood. “She’s… not human…”


Rinne jumped back as Dark Link opened his jacket, and a small sprite fluttered out of it. The sprite then grew in size until she was roughly as big as a 12-year old girl.


Dark Link turned to face her. “Forest Sprite, we need to merge…”


Forest Sprite nodded as Dark Link too her hand. A light flashed, and standing there when it cleared was Dark Link, with green hair and a green aura. Dark Link looked down at his chest to see his wound was healing.


Chase stood up. “Is that all you can do?”


Chase dashed at Rinne, who stood still. He punched at her, but she brought her head back at the last second to dodge. She then kicked upward. Chase stopped the kick by placing both his hands at the point of impact. Rinne then kicked upward with her other foot while keeping balance with her arms.


Chase jumped back to avoid getting kicked. “Well, that was close. Not bad, but it’s not good enough.”


Rinne jumped back on her feet and blocked a punch from Dark Link.


Snake Boy stood up and pulled out his gun. “Not even a monster can survive a shot to the head…”


He pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit Rinne straight in the forehead. It did not pierce her skin, though. As soon as the bullet brushed her skin, Rinne swirled her energy around at the point of contact, and the bullet was shot back at Snake Boy, hitting him in the arm.


Chase raised his open palm straight toward Rinne. “I won’t be defeated by the likes of you.”


A blast of fire shot out of Chase’s hand. Rinne raised her hand and knocked the blast of fire aside with ease.


Rinne brushed her hair out of her eyes. “If you do not leave, I will have no choice but to exterminate you…”



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lolno, keep the Kazekage as Sand Coffin :D


NO!! >:0


I already changed it


BTW it was sand prison...



I just need to do two quick things and then make revisions, should be up in...20 minutes maybe?

Editing does take a bit >.>




am I in it... BTW I want to make you a different sig than that luigi one... I just need an idea...

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Yeah, something with Negative Zone Luigi, regular Luigi, then Mr. L

You can ditch the "whatever works" too.

Anything else, I'll leave to your creativity.


Ok, so whats Negative Zone Luigi XP


BTW so dont do whatever works... or do do whatever works

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