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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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In Jersey Requirements:

2 consecutive years of a language, but you have to take 3.

4 of English

4 of History

3 of Science, but they force you.

3 of math, but they force you.

4 of Gym

3.5 of Electives, and they won't let you take electives you want to take for college until Senior year, more often than not.

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Wow, dont THEY excel at their jobs?




Also, the 3 gods are the 3 top psoters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:33333333333333333333


And EL, I replied to your comment on your fic.



1 word..... a compound word of 3 words.... fan-tucking-fastic

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In Jersey Requirements:

2 consecutive years of a language, but you have to take 3.

4 of English

4 of History

3 of Science, but they force you.

3 of math, but they force you.

4 of Gym

3.5 of Electives, and they won't let you take electives you want to take for college until Senior year, more often than not.


Actually black its....3 years of history, unless your advanced.


And yes I know. I live in Jersey and I just graduated...


And yes, we go to school more than most everyone else...and I bet Black's School isn't even THAT bad in comparison.


Do you know what its ranked? My high school is 69 currently

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Fusion I have 7 hours of school per day and I'm in middle school.Stop complayning.


Also Mangastream sucked.

[spoiler=New Bleach]So Aizen just wanted to be loved.F-ing lame.

Also so Arrancars allive:Yammy,Nel,Her fraccion,(grimjow posibly),Hallibels fraccion and some minors(I thinkSoul Society will just let them live at HM at piece.)


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Fusion I have 7 hours of school per day and I'm in middle school.Stop complayning.


Also Mangastream sucked.

[spoiler=New Bleach]So Aizen just wanted to be loved.F-ing lame.

Also so Arrancars allive:Yammy,Nel,Her fraccion,(grimjow posibly),Hallibels fraccion and some minors(I thinkSoul Society will just let them live at HM at piece.)


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Fusion I have 7 hours of school per day and I'm in middle school.Stop complayning.


Also Mangastream sucked.

[spoiler=New Bleach]So Aizen just wanted to be loved.F-ing lame.

Also so Arrancars allive:Yammy,Nel,Her fraccion,(grimjow posibly),Hallibels fraccion and some minors(I thinkSoul Society will just let them live at HM at piece.)



Dude, Yammy died. He shut his eyes and died right there, after some stupid mini-backstory about the puppy.


Also, Grimmjow was left bleeding to death in the desert. He's dead, even though Kubo never announced his death confirmation.


Harribel's Fraccion are dead.

Harribel later states that Apacci, Mila Rose and Sung-Sun are dead when she prepares to confront Yamamoto and states "I'll make you pay for taking their lives."


All others were killed by the invading Shinigami.


The ONLY Arrancar they would let live are: Nel, Pesche, Dondachakka.


Actually black its....3 years of history, unless you take AP

You also for got the "Arts" field


And yes I know. I live in Jersey and I just graduated...


And yes, we go to school more than most everyone else...and I bet Black's School isn't even THAT bad in comparison.


Do you know what its ranked? My high school is 69 currently

A. No, my school said that you HAVE to have 1 year of World History, and 3 years of US History.

B. Under Electives was Arts. You have to take bla, bla, bla, "Life Arts", "Liberal Arts", etc...

B. My school is one of the top in the country, supposedly...


GUYS! The guys that do Death Note Abridged said LISTEN TO LANIPATOR, to make an abridged series, saying this taught them all they needed to know!


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Anyway, yeah Fusion, here's the battle of the ultima chapters. (which include Chase/me vs. Rinne, Creator vs. Opalmoon, and FD vs. DMG~)


[spoiler=1 chapter, tell me if you want more]

Chapter 24 - If Looks Could Kill, a Harpoon Cannon wouldn’t be Necessary



Creator was pressing buttons and shouting instructions. “Prepare the Moonstone Cannon. They’re too great in number right now. Have Team ‘A’ meet me at the bridge and deploy Team ‘B’.”


Creator jumped off of the platform and began running toward the bridge. When he got there, Dark Magician Girl, El Make, Dokuro, and Caine were there.


“Alright, everyone is here. Here’s the plan. Team ‘B’ is infiltrating the enemy’s mother ship as we speak. We have to go to the other ships and destroy them from the inside. Are there any questions? If not, we go now!”


Creator jumped inside the ship, and everyone followed him.


Meanwhile, Team ‘B’, composed of Chase, Yugioh Rulez, Hollowblade, Kailyn, Dark Link, and Snake Boy, were already inside the enemy’s mother ship.


Dark Link looked around. “Okay, were in, and it doesn’t seem like anyone noticed us coming in… what now?”


Chase checked a nearby corner, and then returned to where he was. “Well, since I’m in charge of this mission, I’ll tell you. We have to sneak to the power core and destroy it, then we teleport back to base. It’s that simple.”


Snake Boy shook his head. “It sounds dimple, but we know there’s at least two council members on this ship. If they find us, we’re as good as dead.”


Chase chuckled. “Are you kidding? I could beat one of those guys easily.”


A voice came from behind them. “Is that so?”


Chase turned to see a person in a red cloak.


Dark Link turned in surprise. “Who are you?”


The person removed his hood, revealing his shoulder-length red hair. “My name’s J-Max. I’d rather not fight you, but I can’t just let you pass, either.”


A sweat drop fell down Hollowblade’s cheek. “Guys… you sense that energy? This guy…”


Kailyn nodded solemnly. “He’s almost twice as powerful as X-31 Fighter…”


Chase turned to Yugioh Rulez. “Hey, is it okay if I leave this to you, Hollowblade, and Kailyn?”


Yugioh Rulez slowly nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine. Just do what you need to do fast.”


Chase nodded, and he, Snake Boy, and Dark Link went on ahead.


Kailyn watched them leave, and then turned her attention toward Hollowblade. “You do realize we can’t win, right?”


Hollowblade nodded. “Yeah, but we can at least slow him down…”


Chase, Dark Link, and Snake Boy stumbled upon a dark room.


Dark Link glanced around. “Well, where do you suppose we are?”


Snake Boy chuckled. “We’re at the doorstep to our deaths, that’s what…”


Chase was about to say something, when the lights went on, and standing there was a young girl. She had blue hair that almost touched the ground. Her eyes pierced deeply into the minds of anyone who beheld them.


Dark Link stared at the girl. “What’s a little girl doing here?”


Snake Boy grunted. “She’s not any little girl. Don’t you sense her power? She could have killed us before we even knew we were being attacked…”


Chase chuckled. “So she’s part of the supposed invincible council. Fine, I’ll take her on. Snake Boy, you and Dark Link go ahead. I’ll be right with you,”


Snake Boy shook his head. “No way, I don’t want to be stuck here with that guy, when there might be more as powerful as this girl around.”


Chase shrugged. “Stay if you want, just don’t interfere. This’ll be over soon.”


Dark Link turned to the young girl. “Hey, who are you, anyway?”


The young girl parted her lips, and a single word came out of her mouth. “Rinne…”


Rinne dashed at Chase and punched him in the stomach, making him flinch. She then jumped back and landed in front of Snake Boy, who was taking out his gun. She kicked him in the head, sending him to the ground. Finally, she ran to Dark Link and jabbed through his chest.


Dark Link coughed up some blood. “She’s… not human…”


Rinne jumped back as Dark Link opened his jacket, and a small sprite fluttered out of it. The sprite then grew in size until she was roughly as big as a 12-year old girl.


Dark Link turned to face her. “Forest Sprite, we need to merge…”


Forest Sprite nodded as Dark Link too her hand. A light flashed, and standing there when it cleared was Dark Link, with green hair and a green aura. Dark Link looked down at his chest to see his wound was healing.


Chase stood up. “Is that all you can do?”


Chase dashed at Rinne, who stood still. He punched at her, but she brought her head back at the last second to dodge. She then kicked upward. Chase stopped the kick by placing both his hands at the point of impact. Rinne then kicked upward with her other foot while keeping balance with her arms.


Chase jumped back to avoid getting kicked. “Well, that was close. Not bad, but it’s not good enough.”


Rinne jumped back on her feet and blocked a punch from Dark Link.


Snake Boy stood up and pulled out his gun. “Not even a monster can survive a shot to the head…”


He pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit Rinne straight in the forehead. It did not pierce her skin, though. As soon as the bullet brushed her skin, Rinne swirled her energy around at the point of contact, and the bullet was shot back at Snake Boy, hitting him in the arm.


Chase raised his open palm straight toward Rinne. “I won’t be defeated by the likes of you.”


A blast of fire shot out of Chase’s hand. Rinne raised her hand and knocked the blast of fire aside with ease.


Rinne brushed her hair out of her eyes. “If you do not leave, I will have no choice but to exterminate you…”



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Yep, gona post it again here cause it didn't fit over there, along with a YGO duel


[spoiler=YGO: Kaiba vs. Sonic]


Yu-Gi-Oh Duel



Kaiba- Are you ready to duel?

Sonic- Holy crap, I’m supposed to duel Kaiba? What’s he even doing here?

Kaiba- I was promised a fake Exodia set, but my huge ego won’t let me believe it is fake. I am the owner of Kaiba corp. I am a multi- millionaire. I am the world’s greatest duelist. I possess the world’s only remaining blue-eyes white dragons. I won’t lose to a purple hedgehog! Plus, I have a cool name!

Sonic- I think he had that speech ready…

Kaiba- Shut up and let’s duel!

Sonic- But you were the one who... Never mind. Duel!

Kaiba- I will be cheap and go first without any consent whatsoever! I play one card in defense mode and two cards face down! Make your move!

Sonic- All right! I draw from my Sega deck! Now I play Miles “Tails” Prower! Behold its mighty 1200 ATK! I attack your face down monster!

Kaiba- I don’t think so! I activate Negate attack! Even though you probably know what it does, and even if you don’t it shouldn’t be too hard to find out, it negates your attack!

Sonic- Behold Tails’ ability. Whenever its attacks are stopped, you lose 800 LP!

Kaiba-Even though it’s a hologram, I now have to pretend to feel pain! AAARRRGGGHH! Anyway, my move! I flip saagi the dark clown, and I sacrifice him to use crush card! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! All of your monsters with higher than 1500 ATK are sent to the graveyard! BWAHAHAHAHA

Sonic- Damn it!

Shadow- I know, that means my holographic shadow card that I lent Sonic goes to the graveyard…no………NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Sonic-I won’t lose. You have no monsters. Now I play Sonic the Hedgehog (1500 ATK/1500 DEF!) Tails attack! Sonic attack!

Kaiba- AAAHHH!!!!! You asked for it. I summon Lord of D.! I also activate flute of summoning dragon to summon a hyozanryu and a blue-eyes white dragon!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Now I equip blue eyes with black pendant and ring of magnetism…

Sonic- Kaiba, You have only 500 LP left! I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you!

Kaiba- Now hyozanryu, attack tails! Blue eyes, attack sonic!

Sonic- Sonic’s special ability activates! By paying half of my life points, I can special summon super sonic from my hand or graveyard!

Kaiba- Open your eyes! Your monster only has 2500 attack! My blue-eyes can beat it!

Sonic- Heh, not for long. I play the spell card Chaos Emerald! It gives my monster an additional 400 ATK and DEF!

Kaiba- Not enough!

Sonic- Guess what? It is! Because of Super Sonic’s special ability, I get an extra attack and 200 ATK points for every chaos emerald in play! And I only need one! Super sonic attack blue eyes! Now! Attack Hyozanryu and finish this!!!!!!

Kaiba- NOOOOOOOO!!!! I lost to a blue hedgehog! Worse! I lost to someone who was naked!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sonic- Give it a rest, Kaiba; I’m wearing shoes, aren’t I?

Kaiba- I… Have lost… Now my brother’s soul will never be restored… Pegasus, you bastard…

(Somewhere, on some faraway Island)

Pegasus- A…A….ACHOO! Hmmm, must be a cold. That’s enough white wine before bedtime for me…

(Back to the finished duel)

Sonic- dude, Yugi defeated Pegasus, like, 3 years ago…

Kaiba- Enough of your lies… what is … what is there left to live for? Nothing…at all.

Sonic- Dude, he threw himself off of the fricken bridge!

Shadow- Well, I guess there’s a moral to this story after all.

Sonic- Uh… Never throw yourselves off of bridges unless you want to look like Kaiba down there?

Shadow- Most definitely



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Wai thank you :3



Ooh, ooh, I got an 87 for this~




Eggs and Bacon



I remember waking up with a hangover that seemed to want to tear my head in two, but then I took my first breath of morning air, and the smell of bacon and eggs took control of my body away from me. I let it be my guide to my daily routine. The world around me was comprised of the smell of eggs and bacon at that moment.

“Honey, do I smell eggs and bacon? You can put my food at the table already, I’ll be right down. “ I said.

I slid on my shorts and stained t-shirt, and headed toward the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water. Then I heard a crashing noise, and a scream. I ran out the room and down the stairs, two steps at a time. When I got down, I saw that my wife lay there, on the floor, bleeding, and eggs and bacon, stained the carpet. My precious eggs and bacon.




Now to post the rap battle I deleted~




Yo, listen, I’m da bowza man.

I did yo momma more times then there are peas in a can.

I’m da boss of this thang

I’m also the boss of your little brother’s Mario game.

You may think I can’t rap cause I’m green.

Well, all you racist bastards can lick my plates clean!

(“cough” Mario “cough”)

Some say I’m overweight

That’s exactly what your mom told me when I went in her today.

Your mom was meant to be a nationwide whore

She does people day and night and never gets sore

Hey, give me a message when I win,

Also give me a message if your mom gives birth to twins!







Yo, listen, I got a real good rap

You know the Earth’s weight?

Well, your momma’s so fat, she weights half of that.

Yeah, I know she banged a lot of guys, but I banged her harder,

Which I guess would make me your fuckin’ father.

Listen, let’s call a truce; you tell your mom to stop banging hobos

And I’ll give her some of mah juice.

(Sonic: Dude, that’s just wrong)

Hey, you’re lucky I’m in a good mood,

Now get off of the stage before I make you my dog’s food.

I’m the mom joker, so just call me moker

(That’s a bad joke all on its own)

Not as in Mocha Latte,

But because of what I did to your mother

When she called me paparazzi.

I’m through with this battle.

I could find a better challenge in your momma’s tea kettle.

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