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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Well Fusion, the fight is in 28 or so...


So I ask of you to just read from 20 to when the Ultima falls (around 30 or so) (extremely short chapters, tho)


That's all I ask you to read, the Fall of the Ultima arc, cause it has all the great battles


All the ones I mentioned, except Kailyn/Holloblade vs. BZ




Too abd you won't see Deus fight Milk in Ssendam mode....

ah, good times...


if one thing, I was still good at fight scenes back then (I just love reading the comments over, cause they;re so fun.....)

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Well glad you have time on your hands...

I have to ready a mini oral presentation for spanish memorized

Take a hard anatomy test first thing in the morning before school starts Dx

Take a Spanish quiz with all-new vocab..

Take a Psychology test when I've missed all my classes for it this week...

Tomorrow's gonna suck -__-

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At least you don't have extra classes.


I basically go to school at 7, return at 12: 30, eat and take a bath, stay on the comp for 30 minutes, then rush off at 1:45, and come back at 5:30






Also, I'll give ya the best fights tommorow.




But my fav fight so far in the fic has probably been.....




Actually, IDK.


But Chase vs. Rinne pretty cool.


But DMG vs. FD...man..I gotta re-read that...it's been so long.... :T

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Oh sodoff you wanker...

I envy the public school kids who only have 3-4 classes a day ;__;

Not to mention I have Forensics practice after school.. :/


*Stereotype anlyzed*


Woooooooooooooooooooooow................... you realize the only reason I have 3 classes is because I'm a Senior right? >___>


Do we need to have this whole "public school is private school but for free" chat again? :/

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El, a friend of mine who is in public school and in my grade told me he has 4 classes a day, they're just each over an hour.

Whereas I have 6 classes with each 50 minutes long.


... You realize that's called Block scheduling, right?


You also realize it is more prevalent in PRIVATE SCHOOL.


It's where you have 4 1:30 classes a day. Alternate each day. And have all 45 min classes 1 day a week.

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That is so unbelievably lame.

I AM sorry bro :/

And I stored your YMB info, thank you.

on the upside, whenever I'm not at school I can be on the internet.



Also, Fusion...this is why ppl said my fic was full of fillers, cause I did special chapters (like 50 and 100) like this



Chapter 50 - Beautiful Spring is here, even though it’s Still Winter, and the Flowers of One Thousand Worlds Bloom with passion! The Great 50th Chapter is here! Let us celebrate by going to a Big Party with Cake, Beverages, and Strippers! Or Rather, let’s not. Let us just Celebrate What Will Never Come Again! Anyway, the Next Goal is to Aim for 100 Chapters! Wait… what!?



Dark Link held up a microphone to his mouth. “It’s finally here! The great 50th chapter! We can finally gloat about this being a long-running series! So, to celebrate this historic moment, we’re going to make another character popularity poll!”


Kailyn frowned. “Wait, last time we didn’t even get ten votes in total, so how come we’re having another one?”


Dark Link chuckled, his eyes shining. “Speaking of character popularity, here’s Kailyn, who seems to be liked best for her skills with swords, and her silent demeanor. Welcome the person in 10th place, with fourteen votes, Kailyn Kyosuke!”


Kailyn looked around. “Wait… you mean fourteen people voted for me?”


Dark Link nodded. “Yes, and you got fourteen votes. Make sure to keep up your sword skills and silent demeanor.”


Kailyn blushed. “I have sword skills, but am I really that silent?”


Dark Link nodded. “Yes, you are. Now, moving on to the person who placed 9th in the contest, best liked for her attitude and skill to seal people’s powers, with thirty votes, who you might remember fought Creator in the battle of the Ultima, here’s Rinne!”


Rinne blinked. “I got the 9th highest number of votes? Are you joking?”


Dark Link shook his head. “To tell you the truth, I’m amazed too, I mean, you’re an antagonist, and you only appeared for a few chapters.”


Rinne glared at Dark Link. “You made me an antagonist…”


Dark Link chuckled uncomfortably. “Well you see, that’s… anyway, let’s move on to the person who came in 8th place with thirty-two votes, best liked for his personality and huge scythe, here’s Chase!”


Chase scratched his head. “Wait… I got thirty-two votes? Are you sure you didn’t miscount or something? I mean, I was firkin unconscious for the last ten chapters at least…”


Dark Link waved the score sheet. “Well, it says right here that you got 8th place, so don’t complain and be happy about it. Well, let’s move on…”


Chase held out his hand. “Wait a minute! I didn’t even get a line or two to give the fans my reaction!”


Dark Link sighed and held out the microphone. “Fine, here you go.”


Chase drew in a deep breath. “Thank you all who voted for me.”


Dark Link stared at Chase. “That was all you had to say?”


Chase nodded. “Yeah, I’m not one to go into speeches and drama.”


Dark Link shook his head. “Well next we have the person who came in seventh with forty-three votes, best liked for his card skills and being badass, Caine Ghest.”


Caine stood there. “Wait… you mean I only got seventh place? And only forty-three people voted for me?”


Dark Link nodded. “Precisely, now, if you have no further things to say, not like I’ll let you say them, let’s introduce the sixth placer, with fifty-five votes, best liked for her fiery personality and adding ecchi to the chapters, here’s Field Sprite!”


Caine’s eye twitched. “Wait, I got fewer votes than a fairy?”


Dark Link wagged his finger at Caine. “Not just a fairy. She’s a sprite. Anyway, any words for us, Field Sprite?”


Field Sprite slightly blushed. “Yeah, thank you all who voted for me. I really appreciate it, and I’ll keep trying my best.”


Dark Link leaned over and kissed Field Sprite on the cheek.


Field Sprite blushed and leaned back. “Why in world would you do that? I was having a serious moment here, and I don’t need to be harassed!”


Dark Link chuckled. “Well, according to my other, private, poll, the match-up with the most popularity is me and you. Well, before things get out of hand, and unnecessary questions about a certain poll are asked, let’s move on to the person who placed 5th, with sixty-two votes… me! I’d like to thank this moment to my fans, and my Field Sprite and Forest Sprite, without whom I could not have accomplished this.”


Dark Link leaned over and kissed Field Sprite’s cheek again. Field Sprite ran to hide behind a desk.


She peeked out, blushing. “Why do you keep on doing that? I hardly feel like I can stay next to you without being harassed…”


Dark Link smiled. “Well, under normal circumstances, you’d never let me do that, so I have to take every chance I get. Anyway, it’s back to business. Here’s the person who got 4th place with sixty-six votes, best liked for his personality, Deustodo!”


Deustodo chuckled. “I just wish I would have gotten 1st place, then I could gloat about it to piss you all off.”


Dark Link sighed. “Well, that’s why people like you, so keep it up. Anyway, it’s time to enter the top three. In 3rd place, with one hundred and ten votes, best liked for his intelligence and personality, here’s Milk!”


Milk looked around. “You mean a member of the rebellion actually managed to get in the top three? Well, I’m flattered, but I just do what I think is best.”


Dark Link nodded. “Right, anyway, keep up those strategies. People seem to like them. Well, now for the person who came in 2nd place with one hundred and forty votes, best liked for his role in filler chapters, here’s Creator!”


Creator stared at Dark Link. “Wait… you’re saying people only voted for me because of the misunderstandings and perverted situations you put me through?”


Dark Link nodded vaguely as he looked at the score sheet. “There’s more perverts in the world than you’d think. Anyway, a lot of your votes did come from people who liked your fighting style, but most came from people who laughed at the fillers. Now, without further ado, I will introduce the person who managed to get 1st place in the contest, with an astounding two hundred and two votes, best liked for a lot of things, the queen herself, Dark Magician Girl!”


Dark Magician Girl grinned. “Finally, I went from one to two hundred and two. That seems fair, but what were some reasons people voted for me?”


Dark Link looked through the list. “Let’s see… kissing Field Sprite… kissing Creator… awesome fighting skills… and one just says ‘cool’… anyway, you can see people like you for a variety of reasons.”


Creator sighed. “So there’s about as much perverts as there are stupid people in this world…”


Dark Link looked at his list again. “Oh yeah, for those of you who are wondering, Flame Dragon got eight votes, Dokuro got six votes, Pikachu got five, and Bagon got two. Those were the last of the votes.”


Forest Sprite nodded. “Even though I didn’t get a vote, I still feel happy for the people who did.”


Field Sprite nodded. “Yeah, we hope to make it to one hundred chapters someday!”


Dark Link flinched. “One hundred, is it? Well, I better get started…”


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