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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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1. Shippu abriged is overused.

2. Your jokes are just randomly generic and not realy funny

3. Bleach abriged is probably the thing people could care less about

4. You just make DL voice random scenes and have no actual ideas for script

5. God do you people ever think of finding resources before doing anything.

6. Points at 2.You haven;t even setteled and wich series you will abrige

7. Yeah good luck finding a video editor.There are like only 10 on YCM on of them being a mod,one of the DL's ex and one of thep is in the cast of making a KHR Abrige and is currently finishing episode 0 wich took him a week and 3 days JUST for 40 seconds of video.

8. Ok I;m done kkthnxbye

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DL I repped your post about the Hangover/band thing for DEF, it was just too funny.

Funnily enough, El posted a similar post a little while ago which I repped him for too.

Well, while you're here...


Riding home from school today, I thought about if Akatsuki were to be playing East Jesus Nowhere at a concert, what our roles would be...


Me- Lead Singer

Dra-man- Epic guitar guy that sings somewhat

Fusion- Minor bass with more singing than Dra-man

Cortez- Drummer

DL- Drunk crowd surfer (slapped by 20 women)

Black- Christain freak who tries to stop the show for the anti-christain theme of the song

Chaos- Security

JZ- Dude making out with a girl

DMG- "back room operations"


The way I would do it?

DL-lead singer

Cortez-guitarist (plays it IRL, he's pretty good)

El-guitarist with background sing-ins


Everyone else fits xD

I'd either be the manager, or I guess bass, whichever works.


But also, this is what I was saying a few days ago, we need to find someone who can mix, that's the priority.

I honestly do think we can pull it off, but we'd need someone to mix, or there is no Abridged.

If we want to do an Abridged series guys, let's find us a mixer.

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Dranzer has a point BUT



JZ said he can do it already, GAWD!!!!





@El - I replied.




Also, if you guys haven't noticed, Me, Black, and Fusion, are dead serious, and since JZ agreed to help (and also stated his cousin might be able to too), we only need to get clips, and a script, and it's really not that hard to plan it all >_>



BTW, will go look for OST



@Fusion - Wai thank you~ I try.

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1. All of the ones that have been done suck.

2. You're the only one to think so. Sure, some fell flat, but others were loved, and I asked MORE than just here.

3. Actually, no good one exists, and it is wanted.

4. I've made him do nothing. He volunteers.


6. That's why we made a plan TO decide.

7. KHR Abridged has ALREADY BEEN MADE!

8. kthxbai


Also, I've got another 2 members on board for this.

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