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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Psychology major here.....from what I see Masashi Kishimoto is using the concept of guys falling for girls alot like their mothers, why else would he still like Sakura after her being well....such a b**** to him throughout their preteen years......Darn you Kishimoto....darn you....


As a personal student of psychology, ion AP Psych , and aking personal studies, I say Kishimoto is mad. there's NO way he would fall for someone like his mother if he never KNEW his mother.

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Fusion, YohikoxKonan has always been obvious!


Nuh uh.

When was there ever a romantic interaction between the two before the last chapter?

If anything, I'd expect you saying that for NagatoxKonan, but I personally never thought the trio had a pairing.

Until recently.

And Black, but he knows his mother now >.>

And he likes SAKURA at the moment :/

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Dude, I meant if he never knew her during his developmental stages AKA where Freud said that the Oedipus Complex all men have was born. Granted, Freud was a loon who blamed EVERYTHING on Oedipus complexes.


@Fusion: Ignoramus. See above.




Sakura = Sasuke Whore

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Namely, more screentime El.

Or rather, if not for Hinata, I would definitely be sure they'd end up together >.>

It's like DL once told me, Sakura would be a better lead female in a school manga or something..

If Naruto were school-style, then NaruSaku would happen.

As the series is now, I see it going either way.

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ah....our good friend Freud...that crazy old man, but if anything he would have blamed the oedipus complex on his own genetics, maybe those of the Namikaze bloodline like the b****y type


*Shrugs* Who knows? Personally, my type IRL is the Aki or Hinata type =3


Still, Freud was a few Loons short of a flock >_>

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Namely, more screentime El.

Or rather, if not for Hinata, I would definitely be sure they'd end up together >.>

It's like DL once told me, Sakura would be a better lead female in a school manga or something..

If Naruto were school-style, then NaruSaku would happen.

As the series is now, I see it going either way.




Yeah, for all of 3 chapters before a Danni-event hapened. -___-

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