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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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The thread is reopened already, dude >_>


ALSO! Bleach Abridged jokes!


Hichigo: Heheheh.

Ichigo: ... Who are you, and why are you inside of me?!

hichigo: I'm your opposite. Your inner Hollow.

Ichigo: Uh... huh...

Hichigo: Yep. We'll soon establish who's King! *Moves to attack*

Ichigo: WAIT!

Hichigo: WHAT?!

Ichigo: Are you gay?

Hichigo: ... Do what?

Ichhigo: Well, you ARE My opposite, so I figured that you';re a fa-

Hixhigo: SHUT UP! *Attacks*


After the fight over the mask/taming Hichigo:

Hichigo: Just wait, King on Top, I'll be back. When I am, I'll be the one riding you all the live long day! And I will be SO HAPPY! I can't wait to ride your @$$ around all day long.

Ichigo: ... Gaaaaaaay.

Hichigo: Wh-what?! No! I meant- *Explodes*

Ichigo: ... Did he just.... on me... Eeeww....


*Mask falls off, and Ichigo falls over*

Shinji: So?

Ichigo: ... He violated me...

Shinji: Oh? Then why are you alive?

Ichigo: ... the OTHER kind...

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