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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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It sucks about my FF Fusion, I actually had AMAZING ideas for the storyline, just couldn't find the time to write it... :/


I feel you.And Jz the Fic's About Cruhcinex, so I don't expect you to read it until I get to the second Chapter...Which If I figure out some time management skills i can probably release ince in a week.

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Interesting Wham..

JZ, the YMB.

How do you not-

Oright you were gone.

It's basically where you nominate members to face off against each other in polls. Whoever gets the most votes moves on to the next round.

Black won against Saint Dane, El lost against Nevert, Deus lost against Dark, and J-Max barely lost to Andx, Hito lost to Byakuya, and BT is gonna beat ianwatters soon.

My match is one of the last and is against Twig

El you should continue when you get the time.

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