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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Black, I would like to ask you a question. I'm serious, not even joking. In the new testament does it ever mention that being married to more than one person is wrong...


I ask because I've always wondered because I, as a child. thought it was okay to marry more than one person so long as you loved them all. And they will tolerate it.


Its not sex, which is different.


Anyways, there are people who believe in god and are polygamists aka Mormons.

Ughhh....I have so many questions...God...I wish you would bring me to you to answer them all...


Sorry for my seriousness, but thinking like that tends to make me sad...


And no I'm not taking down my Cross. Just because it might be a human flaw of mine to think that JZ is what's th appropriate word...a more respectable and "manly" type of man for doing that doesn't mean I'm not a Christian. If there is one thing I'm certain about my faith its that.


now I pose this as a segway question:


If there are about 6.8 Billion people in this world isn't it possible that you can find more than one person who is that person that your supposed to be in love with?

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*shoots Wham, stabs him several times, decapitates him and sticks his head on a pike and then tosses the body over to some rabid dogs chained up nearby to fight over for food*


Never, ever, ever say that again. Undestand? *seems to be remaining calm but has a murderous look in his eyes*

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Alright, let us not argue over religion again >__>

In DEF news, I was thinking in the shower and now I actually have a vague idea of the overall plot :3

In HB news, I'll be doing my thing tomorrow.

In school news, I have some quizzes tomorrow that I didn't study for :/

In Akatsuki news, JZ, that spoiler made me chuckle xP

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You're calling me an those in my religion polygamysts. 1: That is very offensive. 2: You don't know s***, so don't speak unless you're going to actually bother learning the facts instead of listening to some bull from haters that probably were descended from those who persecuted my religion in its earliest days. 3: "See that ye seek righteous judgment." If you can't do that, then don't judge at all. Kapish?

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You're calling me an those in my religion polygamysts. 1: That is very offensive. 2: You don't know s***, so don't speak unless you're going to actually bother learning the facts instead of listening to some bull from haters that probably were descended from those who persecuted my religion in its earliest days. 3: "See that ye seek righteous judgment." If you can't do that, then don't judge at all. Kapish?




1. I never said that you were. Unless you are a Mormon, and there are people who are Mormons who practice polygamy(I knew Some...) Hell there are regular people who practice it.

2. If I don't know s***, teach me instead of yelling baka. All I've got is the news and what I can find on the internet and what I knew from my dead friend.

3. I'm not judging anybody. What I wrote I tried to be as non offensive as possible. My tone was, what's the word, considerate and open-minded.

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THAT IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How DARE you insult Mormons?! I'll have you know Andx is a PROUD Mormon! I believe him when he says only theloony sects practice polygamy! Did you know? Mormon's do the same thing as Christians to become a Mormon! So do NOT say things unless you know what the truth is!



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Take it up in PM, don't reply here Wham.

In other news, I screwed it and added chapter 3 anyway >.>

El and DL, I have a mission I need the both of you to do.


Username: Fusion X. Denver

Specific Ninjas To Do The Mission: El Make and Dark Link 401

Mission: Find an anime-style pic that looks like yourself from real life. Then send it to me via PM.

Reward For Success: 2 reps for each of you.

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THAT IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How DARE you insult Mormons?! I'll have you know Andx is a PROUD Mormon! I believe him when he says only theloony sects practice polygamy! Did you know? Mormon's do the same thing as Christians to become a Mormon! So do NOT say things unless you know what the truth is!



Black-san.....YOU ROCK!!! I just decided to rep you as many times as I could for the day, and might give you more tomorrow. :lol:


And oh yeah, I forgot that Aniki was an LDS as well. xD Yay for having something that important in common with Aniki!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

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