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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Because, Underneath the skin.... my Hichigo, per se, lies in wait. Black sits, ready to devour my soul. I've done unforgivable things, yet, people found it in them to forgive me... and I forgave myself. But, I will never consider myself above a Sinner, as I will no longer be humble.

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Black...I have sinned more than you, believe me >.>


But because of how you are, because of what you do, you really CAN truly say you're not a bad person.


EVERYone has a darker side, it's their Id, the part of them that does whatever they want, driven by want.


But that's only a small part of you, the you, the bigger part of you, is the good part ^_^

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... I am the Sinner, DL. I'm not the Saint. Trust me, I've done something that you would all shun me for, and that's all I'm sayin'.


Do you know what happens when I know what I shouldn't? I see either Hichigo or Black's Cheshire Grinning at me, taunting me, mocking me. My darkness is pretty physical.


... Alright... I'll say I'm not a bad person... but I will never say I am not a Sinner...


Thanks for having faith in me...

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Black, maybe you are a sinner, but so what?


You are one of the best people I know, and that's cause you're yourself.


If that's being a sinner, then hell, sinners must be better people than we thought. >.>


Seriously man, you shouldn't think so badly of yourself.


You may have sinned, but so what? Think of all the good you have done!



You showed me the light Maru, pointed the way, and led me there. Thanks to you I'm finally starting to have faith....

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I can be emotional and serious when the need arises~



But it is true.


You convinced me to open my eyes to try and find the light. When I asked where it was, you pointed me to it, and even led me there yourself. You're a good friend Maru ^^



Also, I like that saying, it fits well.~



And yes....I think that is who you are. You fell, because life pushed you down. But He decided it was worth picking you up, and He was right ^^

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Fusion, there are 7 capital sins, you read FMA, you should know them.


It's easy to see whether you've done any.



Also, I'l post a pic of JZ tommorow, Tinypic's bein a bish.


Fusion, there are 7 capital sins, you read FMA, you should know them.


It's easy to see whether you've done any.



Also, I'l post a pic of JZ tommorow, Tinypic's bein a bish.


Fusion, there are 7 capital sins, you read FMA, you should know them.


It's easy to see whether you've done any.



Also, I'l post a pic of JZ tommorow, Tinypic's bein a bish.

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