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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Ninjew, nice new avi

Wham, basically we're in 2 groups

One will storm the base, the other will focus on Kisune

You're in the base team, as your lightning skills can disable any security systems or whatever

Also, there's a chance that the base team will face Sven, so staying on that team is your best chance

We're all in Shadow's city right now, waiting for Shadow or Zeru to teleport us to where we think their base is (meaning one of them has to log on)

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You could ask BT to make one with your name in it for a mission Wham

And ask his permission of course

Also, I'm currently updating the HB timeline

[spoiler=I came across this post of El Make's, during his fight as Yurusu against Jazeth]

As the lightning neared, Yurusu simply held out his sword for the blast, remembering his training he once had...

It was stormy that night, and young Yurusu was learning from another shinigami who also had a lightning zanpakuto. Their swords were very much alike, so they could train together, knowing that lightning and such had the same effects on their soul cutters. But that night, the other shinigami was teaching about their soul cutters and real lightning.

"You see, if a bolt of lightning ever hits you sword, its power will become yours. However, if it is lightning, say from another person who controlled it, then it's your power versus the power of the blast. If you can increase your power to be greater than the attack, you'll be able to use it... but if not... well, you know."



The dude was having a flashback

I was thinking, maybe Yurusu and Ze'b could have had interaction in the past?

Just a thought, it could also explain why Yurusu doesn't remember Zeru and Ze'b may have been affected by whatever erased Yurusu's memory too since he doesn't remember Yurusu.

Just a thought for character development, can either run with it or not. Whatever works




[spoiler=The new chapter]



*throws a huge party in the Springtime of Youth*

Background on Kisame was unexpected, but interesting

And Kisame biting his own tongue was -___-

Just cuz we didn't get to see Madara's face!

Kisame is definitely gonna die soon...

Maybe Naruto will finish him?

But now people know the 4th Mizukage was manipulated by Madara...

I am looking forward to the next chapter

But hooray for Guy-sensei achieving victory in the end!

Psyched for next week


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AND THAT'S NOT A BAD Idea Fusion. Zeb doesnt remember too much about his child hood anyone just the important people, which as of now aside from teh soul society are two arrancar, one of whom is dead. So it's perfectly reasonable. Why not it's fine with me.


All that matters now is that who control Yurusu agrees with it. Also, i'M GUNNA DO MY FAVORITE MOVE WITH ZE'B...ITS SMOKIN!!

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