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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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DL, don't let it be spam/stupidity

Dranzer, the whole group is going to make a plan, then we're moving out

I posted the fight I had with Ninjew as Kisune from the old contest, I changed it to the format we've been using too

It's long, but I figure you guys could enjoy that while waiting for Daybreak

I told him in a PM to do the Tsuki thing in 1 post too, then we'll all make the plan

Then move out

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I know

I didn't mean for that to happen, I just happened to do a lot more than other people did >.>

That shouldn't be a problem for now though

DL, RP the right way!

With action

Not THAT kind of action, the kind where there's violence


Where you use your magical water powers to fight bad guys

There, there's no way to misconstrue that >.>

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DL, seriously. RP the right way. You're scripting. Which breaks forum rules.


And btw, my mouse is hovering of the "Report" button for CK.... =.=

I'm not scripting. :/


This is scripting


Daisuke: NO!


Kaori: EEK


Takako: ...


Sayuki: FUXXORZ O///O

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