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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Oh everything is gone. nothing can stop that move. It is absolute destruction, so called Absolute Cero because it is the final strike to end anything standing in the way. Think of it as Armageddon for a town. You can throw things at it to try to slow it down, but it'll continue coming. So really, the cero just went through his technique like a dust storm against a fly. It's possible some buildings survived because of it though, but mostly the village is gone. You can claim the hospital was one of the buildings saved since thats an important building if you state it was near the outter walls of the village. If it was near the center, lets just say, nothing survived in that.

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Oh everything is gone. nothing can stop that move. It is absolute destruction, so called Absolute Cero because it is the final strike to end anything standing in the way. Think of it as Armageddon for a town. You can throw things at it to try to slow it down, but it'll continue coming. So really, the cero just went through his technique like a dust storm against a fly. It's possible some buildings survived because of it though, but mostly the village is gone. You can claim the hospital was one of the buildings saved since thats an important building if you state it was near the outter walls of the village. If it was near the center, lets just say, nothing survived in that.

then that totally means Xian-li will have had to have moved....cause she was in that town.....

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then that totally means Xian-li will have had to have moved....cause she was in that town.....


Just find a way to protect her or get her out of the most damage.



Well, yeah, you did destroy the town

It's just Bando restored it using forbidden jutsu afterward

Meaning his Gigano Shinra Tensei did nothing, but that kinjutsu restored it

All the people are kinda dead anyway >.>


yes, he restored most of the town [in the center theres nothign left to restore, it is literally gone]

the people would have been under rubble and crushed, so bringing them back to life, they'd be flat so they'd ust redie anyway.

yes the ability did nothing.



Wham, there's too much to explain.

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Wham, you know Sven isn't a shinigami right?


Also, you all have to work together to fight Sven. Multiple attacks and such. Though remember, you don't know much more then he has a normal resurrection. So everything else will be a surprise since he hasn't shown any abilities besides cero.


Also, a special rule will be needed for Sven's fight. Since you guys like to post off each other, you can only post once between my posts. I won't post after every single post cause that's lame. Once I see about 2-4 posts attacking Sven, I'll post for him. that way things can at leats be interesting.

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I take it that he's a high level Vasto-Lorde or Arrancar. That being said, well how do I put this...Ze'b's old and he grew up in hueco mundo...he knows alot more than he should abouyt hollwos and the enitre lout, bbut


I'll have obviously bee expceting him to be an opponent that's actually on Ze'b's level No offense but Hollows can kill ninjas...I'm just saying...It'll be a sort of cliched fight i guess..but I'll do my research on him...and I'll have Zeb do some too.


But I need someone to sense that Zeb isnt completely human...(he's alive but he's a shinigami...Exaplin later....i have barely figured i out butwhen he diesa first time, he has the second life...thats it...It's apart of his overall story)

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